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Life is worth living - so they say

The morning clouds
with their pale pinks and tormented blues
casts a shadow upon a dead chickling
In the wooded forrest outside of my house
The woods are lovely - so they say

The highway snakes two bands of asphalt
dug deep into celestial earth. Black clouds spool
out of car exhausts chocking the brown dried grass and thristle brush
that trail alongside the outskirts of the highways long expanse
Life is free - so they say

A small child in pink rubber boots that are designed to resemble a happy pig
and dark blue overalls and a long blue thermal shirt twists his ankle while chasing down a small white beam of dust. While his disheveled cat licks its silent paws in the darkened corner.
Childhood is important - so they say

A mother dries the dishes with a worn down beaten rag her mother's mother dishware the air is filled with the smell of manure and souring fruit from the pasture outside.
Life is short - so they say
LadyBronte · 56-60, F Best Comment
There are a lot of things that are important, they say. But I wonder... are they correct? Or do we waste our lives seeking someone else's "important things" that were never meant for us?

Thanks for the moving, thought provoking, words.
Lostpoet · M
@LadyBronte I agree and people should follow their own heart and it's never too late to do things. Here's one of my favorite quotes I think it's from the same guy that wrote Pinocchio.

Queer little twists and quirks go into the making of an individual. To suppress them all and follow clock and calendar and creed until the
individual is lost in the neutral gray of the host is to be less than true to our inheritance. Life, that gorgeous quality of life, is not accomplished
by following another man’s rules. It is true we have the same hungers and same thirsts, but they are for different things and in different ways and
in different seasons. Lay down your own day, follow it to its noon, your own noon, or you will sit in an outer hall listening to the chimes but
never reaching high enough to strike your own”
― Angelo Patri
LadyBronte · 56-60, F
@Lostpoet I like that. Thank you.
LadyBronte · 56-60, F
@LadyBronte And thanks for best answer. Your question gave me a lot to think about.

Magenta · F
So they say... right?!

Creative and lovely writing.
Monday40 · 51-55, F

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