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I Express Myself Through Writing

Fuer Mein Kleiner Bruder

Eich liebe dich, mein kleiner Bruder!

Whether in Englisch oder German, I cannot say it enough.

You are kind, you are sensitive, you are loving.

You are smart, talented und creative.

You are bright und retentive.

I couldn't ask fuer better

Even if I wanted to

Which I don't.

I consider myself a lucky,lucky woman

To be your sibling

In more ways than one.

Your loving und adoring sister

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Wow! I just love that, my dear sisterheart! How could I not? You wrote it with so much love and warmth that every word has given my heart a loving hug from you 🤗 Thanks from the bottom of my heart for that wonderful surprise :*
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
@RobinPhoenix I am glad you do, kliener Bruder. I meant this to be a wundervoll expression of a sister's love. But I enjoy things I write meant to you oder Michael und appear later as a surprise. You are both very, very dear to me.
@MaryJanine You are great in making wonderful surprises and you are doing great, too in using German words (Y) :)
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
@RobinPhoenix The words come a bit easier every time. But that is due to you und Michael. You both are wundervoll, patient teachers und never reproach me if I make a mistake oder misspell a word oder phrase. If I don't know, I will ask fuer clarification. Danke fuer the notice of improvement in your very eager pupil.
JoePourMan · 61-69, M
This is beautiful
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
@JoePourMan Thank you. The German words and phrases are part of what a since-EP onliner who has become a wundervoll friend. He and his father (also online) have been teaching me my rudimentary German at my request. I don't know as much as they do, but they were willing to take on the job.
GoodManHere · 51-55, M
Lovely ☺️
MaryJanine · 70-79, F
@GoodManHere Thank you (Danke). I hope the person I wrote this for thinks so too.

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