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3 Water Petals

Poll - Total Votes: 0
Max wins
Pam wins
the other couples go back to their rooms and fuck too
the storm climaxing is a foreshadowing event
I could play this game !
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It was a beautiful hotel with an indoor pool. Max and Pam were in the side jacuzzi on the east side of the large pool. . She was wearing a turquoise two piece and Max had on black swim bottoms. The glass ceiling above them still had droplets on its surface from the rain earlier. There were 7 floors from the base of the enclosed pool area and the opaque ceiling.

Pam looked over at Max. She didn’t say a word but Max knew what she was thinking. They had played this game before in public and tonight wasn’t a bad night. Past midnight, a few adults are in the pool area but nobody else is around. Max looked around at the balconies on the 7 floors above them. 3 lights were on and two had couples drinking wine or champagne or something on. It was too hard to see what they were drinking from that far away.

Pam did her part too. She scanned the pool. 2 more couples on the west end of the pool, the shallow end but it was too hard to see what they were doing. “Well?” Pam asked. It was the only word she said. Max and Pam had played this game before but it had been a while. Max smiled in response and nothing swimming to her side of the jacuzzi.

It was a simple game. Each would take turns removing 3 water droplets from other skins one kiss at a time. The first one to suggest going back to their hotel room would lose. Each turn was completed by a single peck on their partner's lips. No making out just one peck lips to lips. They never called the game water drops. They called the game water petals. It felt more erotic that way. “Rock paper scissors?” asked Max. “Sure,” replied Pam. Sam chose scissors and Pam a rock making her the winner.

Pam moving her chest close to his looked into his eyes. His eyes already had a layer of lust on them and her lips had not even touched his skin yet. She lowered her head to his chest and slowly, deliberately, methodically, removed 3 drops from his pecks one kiss at a time. One kiss, two kisses, three kisses. Max scanned the balconies again but did not see any changes from last time. He breathed heavily by the second kiss from Pam. Pam moved in even closer, her tummy touching Maxes. She pressed her lips to his softly, shortly, fleetingling. It was Max’s turn.

Max paused. Pausing was his skill in this game. He knew the anticipation of being kissed drove Pam wild inside even if she was good at concealing it externally. One of the couples in the pool swam closer to the deep end on the east side. Could they know the two of them were playing a kissing game?

Max took Pam’s hands into his, his fingers interlacing with hers and he looked at her eyes. Slowly he lowered his head to her left shoulder lightly squeezing both of her hands. Pressing his lips to her skin he kissed her shoulder once pausing. He heard her make a small gasp. Squeezing her hands gently again he pressed his lips to her shoulder again gathering another droplet and then a third time. Pam was already breathing hard. “Had enough yet?” asked Pam? Max laughed since it was he who was dishing it out. But it was true he loved pressing his lips to her shoulder. He moved his face close to hers, very close and paused still lightly squeezing her hands. He said a single word, “no” to answer her question and pecked her lips with his. Her turn.

Max moved away and noticed two of the couples with drinks in their hand now seemed to be pointing in their direction. One was 4 floors up and the other was five. He wondered how much they could really see from that distance. He was oddly relaxed by all of this. Pam was anexhibitionist by heart and probably secretly rooting for some visual attention. The couple that swam closer was on the southeast corner of the pool and they were kissing at this point. The couple on the shallow west end of the pool were too far to see. Such a large pool.

The rain started up again outside. Night rain. The drop tap danced on the glass ceiling. It was too far away to see the glass but the two of them could hear it. Rain at night, how romantic. Pam put one hand on each of Max’s shoulders. With a single hop she jumped up and wrapped her legs around Max’s hips locking her ankles behind his back. She immediately felt his erection beneath his swim trunks.

Well life is never fair she thought to herself. Running her hand behind Max’s head and cupping his neck she slid her cheek against his. Wet cheek to wet cheek. She could hear his breathing or maybe it was her breathing? She put her lips to his jaw and pressed once removing a single droplet. As she did this she slid her bottom across his erection causing his hips to instantly react. Max gasped in surprise. Pam took a second and whispered in his ear, “Had enough yet bad boy?”

Max responded with “Not yet babe.” She lowered her lips to his jaw again with a second kiss. As she did this she ran her fingers through his hair. It was the same way she played with his hair when he was inside of her. As she did this she used her legs to bump her bottom against his erection again. Max asked “what are you going to do if you make me cum in my trunks?” Pam pouted and gripped his hair again kissing a single drop off next to his lips but didn’t bump his groin again with her bottom. It was now just resting against his erection as she kissed his wet lip giving him his turn back.

Max knew he couldn’t take too many more rounds of this. He needed to make Pam quit, soon. The rain was hitting the glass ceiling harder at this point. As Pam hopped off his hips he slowly spun her to face the crowd. His exhibitionist wife—he knew she wanted to know whose attention they captured. To Pam being turned around was like a curtain being drawn revealing her audience to her. Pam the exhibitionists, the performer.

The couple nearest them in the pool were making out at this point but were also looking up from time to time to watch them. The other couple in the pool had now swam to the east side but were trying to pretend they did not notice Pam and Max. They were not very good at it but still trying very hard.

Pam’s arousal sky rocketed. She loved to be watched, to have an audience. The rain appeared to be applauding as it pelted the glass ceiling. She felt Max behind her. He pressed his wet chest to her bare back and ran his hands up her sides over her breasts right in front of the two couples in the pool with such audacity. Pam looked up and saw the couple on the 4th floor were making out and the couple on the 5th floor were pointing their faces in the direction of the jacuzzi but it must have been hard to see what they could actually see from that far up.

Max with his hands still boldly on her breasts, his chest pressed hard against her back and with slow precision lowered his lips to the right side of her neck. “Oh God '' Pam thought. “I can do this, I can do this, '' she said to herself. She felt his lips on her neck the first time. A slow kiss removing a single petal of water from her neck. As he did this he squeezed her nipples. “Fucker” Pam said to him while looking at the other couples who were looking at her.

“Hmm" was Max’s response before he lowered his lips to her neck a second time and removed a second water petal while lightly pinching her nipples chest still pressed tightly against her back. Pam was hurting at this point. Really hurting. She didn’t want to lose but Max was working her weak spot neck kisses on the back of her neck.

The couple on the south east side were facing Pam with the man’s chest to her back just like Max’s was to hers. They were kissing and looking at Max and Pam with boldness. Looks like someone else is getting laid tonight thought Pam to herself as she watched them watching her. She felt Max’s lips on her neck for the third time and another nipple squeeze. As a revenge move she pushed her butt backwards into Max’s groin causing him to groan out loud during the last neck kiss.

Max slid his wet cheek over her cheek, his chest still pressed against her back. Tilting her head Pam moved her head up to kiss his lips giving her control back for the next round. She had made it! Pam knew she had to end it next round. Max would only get worse round until she made him surrounder.

She took a deep breath and suddenly a serene smile came over her. She knew what to do. She knew Max’s one weak spot. In her arousal it hadn’t occurred to her before but now,, now she knew her next move.. It was time to try it but she had to be careful of too much aggression and she could make him cum in his swim trunks.

Slowly turning around and out of breath she asked Max, “Are you ready to lose ?” Max smiled and replied if you can’t make me lose this round…..well sweetie that might be your last chance tonight…..” Pam smiled looking at only Max. Only in Max’s eyes. Surrounded by 4 watching couples, a thunderous rain overhead and steam rising from the jacuzzi she only saw Max in that moment. A moment before….

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