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Just Tongue No Lips

Poll - Total Votes: 0
Jon wins!
Staci wins!
Jon made this game up
Jon found this game on the internet
I could play this game one day!
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So how does it work,” Staci asked? “Well,” Jon replied, taking his time with the answer. “We stand in front of each other nude. You can tilt your head but you can’t move your head closeror further and neither can I. We have to be close enough where our tongues can touch but our lips cannot.”

Staci cut in,” did you make this game up?” “ I am not that creative," Jon retorted while dodging the question. Jon lost his train of thought and then caught it again. He looked around him. Baby blue on the north wall and indigo on the south wall. His wife Staci had painted the room herself. She painted a moon high on the indigo wall and a rising sun on the lower side of the baby blue wall. His creative Staci.

Looking back into her eyes he continued with "our lips are almost touching close enough where our tongues can touch but our lips cannot.”. We each set our watch for 20 seconds. Whoever’s turn it is can move their hands over their partner’s body everywhere except between the legs. The person who is being teased cannot touch in response.” “Can they use their feet too” Staci cut in? “Um”….Jon cut off guard again, breathed heavily once and the candles lit in the dark room flickered as if affected by his breath. He was breathing hard because he was already turned on. “ Yeah sure feet are ok too.”

“In addition they can use their tongue to tease as long as lips don’t touch.”, Staci gasped, cutting Jon off again. She loved being tongue teased—-now she was really intrigued. Jon taking her hands in his started up again,”this lasts for 20 seconds and at the end of it we break for 10 seconds and then switch turns.” “Hmmmm," Staci replied. Jon knew what hmmm meant . His wife was clever. Hmmm meant she was already planning out her next 3 moves.

“I feel like we need jazz music for this” Staci interjected and took a second to find some on her phone . The soft saxophone sent soft notes in the air that helped the candles breath and seem to serenade the moon on the wall . Standing nude back in front of Jon, who was also nude she asked “how does one win or lose”

“This is the tough part," Jon said with a sly smile on his face. He knew he was about to drop the bomb that would ruin Staci’s foreplanning in a single sentence. “One wins,” John pauses for dramatic effect, “by being kissed by their partner during or out of their turn. No kissing–just tongue teasing and hands ….he pauses again….and feet on each other. The first person to kiss …to press lips against the other loses”. Staci gasped……pauses and asks, “loses what exactly?” “You know what the penalty is for losing Stac”……She knew even if Jon didn’t say it out loud.

“Who goes first Staci asked?” “Whoever came the hardest yesterday evening” replied Jon . “Um no, we are flipping a coin silly," Staci countered. The jazz music was now accompanied by a light piano that was so light it was a faint background echo to the saxophone . Staci lost the toss and Jon started with round one.

Putting his lips just out of reach of hers he used the tip of his tongue on her lower lip–teasing it with light touches, as light as the piano in the background. He placed his hands on her hips, strong hands and gripped them with the same intensity he held her hips when he was cumming inside of her. Slowly his hands went up her sides over her breasts and back down to her hips four times in rhythmic circles–the same rhythm as the saxophone music that danced with the candles flames. The same rhythm as his tongue which caressed her lower lip over and over. It was the longest 20 seconds Staci had ever endured in a sex game with Jon. His tongue still touched her lips in endless caresses as he ran his hands over her front pausing to grip her hips hard each time.

“Oh fuck you Jon” Staci said as his turn finished. “It only gets harder,” Jon replied. Staci squinted at Jon, narrowing her brow and then stopped to release an innocent smile. She cupped his face hard the way he liked it right under the chin and used her tongue to trace a round circle over his bottom lip, over his top lip and back over his bottom lip in an endless slow smooth loop. . Her left hand lightly raked down Jon’s chest french manicure leaving its mark. It was similar to the way she racked him when she was cumming while riding him but softer in a teasing fashion. His wife the tease. .

With each pass of her tongue she racked slightly harder and harder down his chest simulating a building orgasm with her nails. At the 3rd pass Jon sighed out loud. She wanted to look at his dick to see if it was hard but her tongue was too busy tracing his lips one lip at a time. 20 seconds expired and they took a break. She looked between his legs. He was hard. That is hot she thought to herself.

Jon stepped up lips so close to hers she could feel his breath–breath of a horny man who struggled to make out of the last round. With her lips parted Jon slid his tongue past her lips and touched the tip of her tongue with his tongue. Light soft caresses tongue to tongue without lips touching.

He reached behind her head and cupped the nape of her neck hard while using the tip of his tongue on hers–she gasped when he did this. He put the pad of his left thumb on her right nipple and slowly made circles on her nipple over and over at the same pace his tongue was teasing her tongue. Fuck her husband was a master at these games. Staci wanted to touch him so bad and it was only round 2. God she wanted to kiss him to press her chest against him. She wanted to fuck him. She willed herself to stay put, her body shaking from his hands and his tongue. 20 seconds later she was free of his round and plotting her comeback.

She paused and gathered herself. The piano music slowly crescendo as if to foreshadow her next move. Using her feet first she lightly placed them on his feet. Bare feet on bare feet. She tilted her head slightly to the right and slowly racked her tongue over Jon’s lips and over the tip of his tongue in a slow steady pace while running her nails up and down his back gently in the same way she did when was on top of her during intimacy.

With her chest so close to his she swayed her hips back and forth causing her erect nipples to slide across his bare chest feet lightly pressing into his feet. Jon was grunting at this point. From time to time as she swayed her hips she felt the tip of his penis on her tummy. It felt so hard and swollen.

Her tongue danced with his just the tips touching and even as he groaned she found herself moaning too while racking her nails on his back, pressing her feet into his and using the nipples he made erect last round as a weapon back against him. 20 seconds were up and somehow Jon had refrained from kissing her again. Even Jon was surprised that he lasted through this round.

“Oh god!” Jon exclaime!. Staci was so beautiful. Even more beautiful when she was teasing him. He felt nothing but lust. Jon knew he had to stay focused. He looked at her with mischievous intent. “Payback babe” he whispered before leaning in so close she could feel his need on his breath and her hands on bare skin. She needed to survive this round. If she could she was confident she could make Jon kiss on the next round…..if

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