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The Grape Game

Poll - Total Votes: 1
Kevin wins!
Nicole Wins !
I would play this game if I could !
I am going to play this game !
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Kevin, why are their green grapes in the bowl?” The bowl. It was just right there on the wood round table in the middle of the bedroom at the edge of their king sized bed next to a single chair facing the couple. . Nicole took her bathrobe off fresh from the shower and looked at Kevin with a curious smirk . What was he up to now she thought to herself.

“I read about it in that sex forum," Kevin replied. “Read what sweetie and when do I get a log on to this” …she pauses..and finishes with a dash of sarcasm “ this fabulous sex forum you keep bringing into our bedroom?” He didn’t answer her but if his coy smile was any indication she would get a login soon.

She liked it when he took a shower first before evening intimacy. She loved the smell of his clean body, his cologne and how he decorated the room while she was in the shower. He had a knack for turning their bedroom into a love palace.

Scented candles, an extra mirror hung up on the wall opposite the bed that reelected the lights of the candles. Soft piano music, dimmed lights–and—um and a bowl of green seedless grapes. Out of patience she looked him in the eye and said,” Kevin, why are there grapes in a bowl?”

Kevin answered with “I have a game I want to teach you.” He paused for dramatic effect and she raised her eyebrows in response. Kevin continued. “It is called the grape game. Here are the rules. The game requires one nude couple and one bowl of grapes. The person with the grape is the presenter and the other person is the receiver. We can flip a coin to see who goes first.”

“One person takes the grape in their mouth. The person who has the grape can put their hands and lips anywhere on the other person’s body for about 10-20 seconds. However the grape must be on the other person’s skin and in the presenter's mouth the entire time. At the end of the turn, the grape is passed from the presenter to the receiver via a kiss changing the roles of both.”

He stopped to read her face, an apparent eagerness on his part in this game. She smirked in response and rolled her eyes. “Ok, ok” she said "how does one win this game?” “One wins, Kevin pauses and finishes with “ if the other person touches out of turn or surrenders.”

Nicole says” you mean if the receiver touches when he or she does not have a grape in their mouth.” “Yes,” Kevin confirmed. “So” Nicole asked,” when kissing to pass the grape can the receiver who is transitioning to the presenter touch in the transition from the kiss?” “ Technically yes, according to the rules I read,” Kevin stated.

Nicole paused and thought to herself this is a fun game. “Ok” she said. She walked over to the dresser giving Kevin time to look at her back legs and bare bottom. His wife was hot. She bent over and picked up the perfume from the drawer and sprayed it on herself. Kevin was sure she intentionally bent over slowly to get him a tad riled up. For the record it worked.

She flipped her hair over her shoulder and turned around saying “you can go first. I need to see one round in action to absorb this.” “Absorb” Kevin thought. Nicole is always playing games with his head in the bedroom. This is the woman he dreamed of marrying. One who likes games in the bedroom as much as he does. “The usual prize for winning," she asked? “Yep”, he said. “Game on,” she said. “Game on” he answered.

Kevin motioned for her to sit in the chair. She sat nude in the chair, legs crossed looking at him with curiosity. Bold Kevin, her bold Kevin. Listening to the piano music as light as rain on cobblestone and watching the reflection of the candles dancing in the mirrors she saw him in the mirror bend over and take a grab into his mouth from the bowl.

Kneeling before her he started to massage her left foot and then her right foot placing the grape and his lips on her bare thigh. . Dammit he knew how much she liked her feet rubbed. Running his fingers up her calves, over her outer things, to her inner thighs, up her sides and over her breasts the grape up her lap, on her tummy and moving up her chest.

He took the succulent grape, pushing the end out through his lips he slowly made a circle with it over her left nipple. Ever so slowly three times.. It felt slightly cool and she gasped at the touch. It was the first sound she made on this round. He slid the grape across her sternum to her right nipple and slowly circled it around her nipple three times. Three slow deliberate times. As he did this he lightly rubbed her left nipple with his right hand.

Sliding the grape up to her collarbone and the left side of her neck, still in his mouth he paused at her neck, his warm breath on her neck. He cupped the nape of her neck with his left hand right thumb rubbing her nipple and lightly pressing his lips to hers he used his tongue to softly pass the grape to Nicole who in a act of defiance pinched both of his nipples during the kiss to let him know she wasn’t going down without a fight. .

She still shuddered as he kissed her. She loved having the nape of her neck clasped. This game was going to be really difficult and unless she was ok with losing she was going to need to turn on her feminine charm. Game on her brain said silently in her head. Game on.

Kevin took his seat in the chair. Nicole took a succulent grape out of the bowl with her hand. She gently put left hand on Kevin’s right shoulder and put her lips close to ear grape still in her hand. She whispered to him, “naughty boy with naughty games. Do you realize what you just got yourself into?” With that she sat her bare bottom on his bare thighs making Kevin gasp.

The secret Nicole had is she loved her man’s thighs. She held her breath as the idea of sitting in his lap nude was torture for her too. A double edged sword that cut both ways. Putting the grape in her mouth she bent down putting it in his navel. She knew he would think of a blow job if she did that. She ran a smooth trail up his chest over his sternum and paused at this neck.

While she did this she pressed the bottom of her feet against both his calves in the same way she did when he was inside of her in missionary. She ran her manicured nails down his chest going the opposite direction of her lips and lightly racked them over his thighs. Slow racking with intent, her feet still pushing against his calves. She pushed her lips gently against his mouth and passed the grape to him. As he took the grape from her lips she said fuck you through her lips as she passed it to him.

Kevin chewed on the grape with an odd cockness despite that last round. He did not say a thing but took another grape into his mouth. Kneeling between her legs he placed the cool grape against her left thigh. She wanted to put her feet on her shoulders like she did when he ate her out this way. This was torture, blissful torture. Slowly he moved it along her left inner thigh, over her mound, and down her right inner thigh while sliding his two hands over her outer thighs and over her bottom. Double edge sword. His touch made her squirm and he could hear her breathing but it was making him really hard.

Standing over her he moved up her chest, traced her left nipple with the edge of the grape, went up the left side of her neck, hands on her breasts gently squeezing and passed the grape with a slow succulent kiss–as succulent as the grape they were now sharing. She sighed hands gently on his chest as they kissed,the only time she could touch him when she was the receiver. She was grateful it was her turn again.

Kevin sat in the chair . She took a grape out of the bowl the same way Kevin had done with her lips. Kneeling between his legs she placed one palm on each of his inner thighs. She protruded the grape out of the end of her mouth and slid it along his length pushing it a tad harder against his head. She heard him gasp.

Sitting in his lap she slid her bottom back and forth along his thighs in the same way she would if she was riding him. Placing the grape against the left side of his neck she racked her fingernails down his back and sucked the grape into her mouth so she could bite his neck lightly. 3 bites in she slid the grape up his jawline and into his mouth. They french kissed as she passed the grape to him. His erection was touching her stomach every time she slid her bare bottom up his thighs. She loved being tongue fucked by him. He knew how to make that pass hurt.

Kevin got up and she sat in the chair. He took a grape with his hands and popped it into his mouth while winking at her. Cocky Kev she thought. Using his hands he pushed her hips back to the back of the chair and put his arms under her knees to bring her legs up and place her bare feet against his pecks. He sat in the chair with the head of his dick touching her clit grape in his mouth.

She started to put her hands on his bare butt which is what she instinctually did when they fucked in that position but stopped her self mid-motion. He gripped her long hair behind her neck the way she liked it when they fucked and slowly bent his head towards her right nipple.

You fucker she thought to herself but she knew he was hurting too . If she made it through this round he would pay for this–dearly —dearly my dear she thought to herself. Just then she felt the grape touch her nipple followed by his warm mouth.

Endnotes and questions

I learned the grape game in college . I played it about a dozen times in real life. It is really hard in real life . I mostly remember losing sessions and how insanely hard it was to not touch back. Some of lip passes were really slow in real life with a lot of kissing in between.

Questions : who wins and why?

What should the prize be for winning?

Could you or will you ever play this game?

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