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Is this site some sort of softcore Literotica?

The only thing that gets attention here is s3x related questions.
shtimfappaz · 18-21
Sadly yes. Due to loneliness and desperate men.
robertsnj · 56-60, M
I don't know but if you feel it is, you could in theory just add a sex portion to each question.

For example "did you know opening mail....human rights violation .." and add

which means you will have less access to sexual partners?

or "ai prove no soul" and thinking about that really turns me on!
eMortal · M
@robertsnj 🤣 haha
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
I was actually on Literotica for a while. Absolutely hated it! FAR too many nasty people there, people who are all too willing to insult, ridicule, judge and marginalise new account holders. A toxic wasteland that's almost as bad as Reddit!
eMortal · M
@Bellatrix2024 Interesting. I've read few stories but never had an account there.
Magenta · F
Something like that. One faceted minds.😴🥱😴

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