Humanity (Through the eyes of )
Humans were once referred to as a virus with shoes, no, not by a character in the Matrix, but by the comedian Bill Hicks, a man that knew a thing or two about the nature of humanity. as much the comedian as he was a deep thinker and did not care who he upset to get his points across.
I often wonder what he would think of the modern world, if he had not been taken from the world on February 26th, 1994, ironically a victim of Cancer after he was quite the advocate of smoking and drug use.
Done more as a protest in favor of free speech and letting humanity grow without so many shackles that people would put on it, I know I miss his comedy and often wonder what he would have made of every president that came after Bill Clinton and the things done in their names.
The last thing on the list for January, so forgive the random musings