Never Let Go

Never Let Go
The ground uneven beneath our feet
The wall before us is higher than we would want it to be
The distance that separates us in the way
Each step is uncertain as we find our footing but stride on
The wall is not as daunting as we work together and climb
The distance is nothing more than the effort we make to beat it
At times the storm comes and it will knock you down
At times even a woman of your passions will feel the future slip away
At times we both have our moments of weakness and let the elements beat us
But just any obstacle is only as much of an obstruction as what we do to beat it
But as any storm will eventually passes and we will see the blues skies again
But even the night seems in its darkness, the sun will rise again
Never let go of what we have
Never let go of what I feel for you
Never let go of what we have to make our own