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The unheard

A generation feels disenfranchized. The previous solutions dont work. The paradigm shifted but government hasnt. The unheard of change cant be heard over the raicous of ways past. So necessary feedback isnt even heard. So are my kids freedom going to be so unheard of they will inheret a world thats broken could have been fixed but is just geting worse. We will even hear of freedom again? It never existed and exists less for each new generation. The ppl get smarter the systems dont violence and frustration ensue while government charges more to get less done and most of it for our neighbors not for us. Thanks! The freedom to be indebted. The old way wont die. Bc we wont let it. It doesn't work so neither do they.
Is it this simple? Keep it moving!
Majorsite · 61-69, M
I've never seen someone fit so much worthless dribble into one paragraph before !
exchrist · 31-35
@Majorsite it seems youve never listen to a politician. Eh?
exchrist · 31-35
Or might those kids outlive its bring heard.

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