85-90%. All the supporting structures and roof are wood, the outer walls are insul-board and brick in Texas, siding in other areas. The exterior of my home is all brick. The walls are 2x6 with metal fasteners.
Mistakesmakeus · M
About 90% of all new homes built last year were wood framed. The reason for it is because the US is a huge lumber manufacturer. With the amount of forests and available trees around the area its a no brainer. Cheap, strong (to an extent), very easy to obtain since its just about everywhere, and cuts time for building since you're not waiting on supplies for too long
TexChik · F
@Mistakesmakeus Lumber is not cheap by any standard.
Mistakesmakeus · M
@TexChik cheap back in the colonial times? Yknow.. when trees are literally in every square inch of a mile?
Ontheroad · M
Something like 97% of American homes are at least wood framed. A large percentage of those have brick or stone exteriors over the wood framing.
bowman81 · M
While my home is brick, the framework is all wood. The brick is just a veneer. Most single family homes are wood framed.
TrashCat · M
My house is brick and wood so I'd like to make a rought estimate of 95.672%
MethDozer · M
95% of them are light wood framed, balloon fraked in the past, typically platform framed today.