Sometimes when you are trying to share or express yourself you post and post and post and get lost in the comments of your own post.
However it is big ole virtual world out there. This site in particular has so many choices of posts to read and comment on, it is a great idea to move on from your own posts and give some love or laughs with what others have to say.
I am going to get out there and go check out with other people on Similar Worlds have to say. Time for me to be the commenter and join an ongoing party instead of being the host for a change.
Some people choose to only post and I think that is great...some choose to only comment and never post which is also great. I don't think its up to anyone to decide on how someone uses their time.
I personally comment when I can and post when I am off. I came from a site where two users wanted me not to post so much because they were not getting enough attention. It got so bad I didn't want to ever post again.
While you might have good intentions...I think its best for people to be how they want to be
@2speck Roll up roll up for the Mystery Tour Roll up roll up for the Mystery Tour Roll up That's an invitation Roll up for the Mystery Tour Roll up To make a reservation Roll up for the Mystery Tour The Magical Mystery Tour Is waiting to take you away Waiting to take you away Roll up Roll up for the Mystery Tour Roll up Roll up for the Mystery Tour