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how often do you get bored, but really bored? what do you do about it? any idea why boredome exists?

BananaBrown · 41-45, F
Rarely. I find it annoying when people (specifically adults) complain about being bored. There is always something to do.
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Carissimi · F
Having something to do is not the problem for most. There are numerous things to be done. It’s the lack of mental stimulation that’s the problem. An intelligent person doing household chores can be bored stiff while washing dishes, or many other tasks because it’s not mentally stimulating or challenging. Even people at work can be bored if the job is mundane and not stimulating growth and challenge to learn and grow. @BananaBrown
BananaBrown · 41-45, F
@Carissimi That’s an astute observation. Perhaps I should have said I find it annoying when people complain about having nothing to do.
Or about “being bored”.
Oneofthestormboys · 100+, M
Honestly never. I’m interested in way too many things to get bored. I kind of think I need more than one lifetime to have the time to properly get into all the things that interest me. That probably means I’m a nerd 😂
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Lately a lot because a lot of things I need to do are boring repetitive activities.
Carissimi · F
It’s not boredom that gets me, it’s loneliness and lack of connection.
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