summersong · F
I should probably give up but I’m too stubborn
Livingwell · 61-69, M
@summersong 🤗🤗🤗
CookieCrumbs · F
Asking myself the same question
Thisviewisyours · 51-55, F
@CookieCrumbs And the answer is... Don't give up

I’ve given up
Thisviewisyours · 51-55, F
@SW-User Nooooo... Don't

SissySecrets · 46-50
I’m keeping on.
Thisviewisyours · 51-55, F
@SissySecrets Yes
Carlisle · F
Give up
Lilnonames · F
@Carlisle u better not
Thisviewisyours · 51-55, F
@Carlisle Nooooo... Don't give up. Keep going there is a reward...☺️
FrozenWasteland · 61-69, M
I don't think giving up is part of my spirit -- in most things anyhow.
I try as hard as I can. Whether that's hard enough is not up to me.
I try as hard as I can. Whether that's hard enough is not up to me.

Honestly given up about certain things, but about myself I'm still strong 💪
Thisviewisyours · 51-55, F
@SW-User Awesome...that's the spirit...

There's always room for improvement
Thisviewisyours · 51-55, F
@SW-User Yes
Bobdale · 56-60, M
Not giving up … let it go and moving on .
Thisviewisyours · 51-55, F
@Bobdale Okay
Bobdale · 56-60, M
@Thisviewisyours it’s perspectives.

I gave up too many times before but I can’t afford to keep that up

I am trying so hard, but doesn't feel like I am getting anywhere.
In something yes, but in a lot of things no.
Flowerz · 36-40, F
I could do better. Working on it!!
Thisviewisyours · 51-55, F
@Flowerz Awesome 👍
Ambroseguy80 · 56-60, M
One can always try harder.
Thisviewisyours · 51-55, F
@Ambroseguy80 True
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
I'll probably just keep wandering through.

As long as I can get it up...I'll never give up
nonsensiclesnail · F
Not at all. I’m just so tired of trying.
BiasForAction · M
I think I try too hard sometimes. This “never quit” culture I grew up in was oversold. Sometimes quitting is the best thing to do because the opportunity cost is too high. One can go far by building on one’s strengths instead of shoring up one’s weaknesses.
Jeephikelove · 51-55, F
I never stop trying! ☺️
Miklee02 · 51-55, F
I’ve given up
Livingwell · 61-69, M
@Miklee02 Please don't... 🤗😘
LadyJ · F
I never give up
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
Today I am chillin' or my mind I'll be a-losing
sasanack · 61-69, M
who decides whats hard enough.......🤔
Thisviewisyours · 51-55, F
@sasanack Jesus
sasanack · 61-69, M
@Thisviewisyours fair do s🤗
sasanack · 61-69, M
@Thisviewisyours is that the mexican that cuts your lawn? im kidin
MrNightSky · 46-50, M
Is there an option somewhere in-between?
MoonaNorth86 · 36-40, F
I never give up I keep going till I win
Thisviewisyours · 51-55, F
@MoonaNorth86 lol
MoonaNorth86 · 36-40, F
And I’m winning @Thisviewisyours
Zonuss · 46-50, M
No. I never give up. 🙂
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
At this rate, I would theoretically experience success in about 5 lifetimes
SkeetSkeet · 100+, F
I'm barely trying
Lilnonames · F
I never give up👍