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Would you rather someone warn you of danger ahead...

or see for yourself? 🤔
summersong · F
Please warn me. I’m kind of oblivious sometimes and can use all the help I can get lol
They usually warn you and you end up seeing worse things.
Keepitsimple · 51-55, F
Sometimes even if I’m warned I can’t help myself
@Keepitsimple especially when they say "don't open this" or "don't look this up"...
Is this about my cursing again?
@DarkHeaven yes. 😌 Yes it is.
@NIC0LE *giggles* 😘
Rather be warned and heed the advice!
I see danger ahead but sometimes I ignore it

I see it for others too and want to tell them but I don't because I've learned my lesson to not get involved in peoples lives ...they need to learn for themselves
perceptivei · 36-40, F
Warn me especially if it's a huge, vicious animal!

However, I'm kinda scared to get that DNA report with diseases/conditions I might be susceptible to.
FrozenWasteland · 61-69, M
I'd prefer to keep it as a nice surprise. Unless I'm about to drive through a red light or something.
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
one persons idea of danger, is another persons idea of daily life...
perceptivei · 36-40, F
@wildbill83 Read her examples of danger --- a landmine, a leopard, a coyote --- All of which can kill you with very short notice.

Her examples of danger, yes. Lol. Tell me.
@wildbill83 But even in daily life...would you not want to warn another to take another path because you understand that the lifestyle you lead is not it?

Example: living in the hood. most who live there don't want to be there and would probably warn you away from there if you are able to seek living arrangements elsewhere. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Rambler · M
Life is more interesting if you see for yourself (sometimes)
Warnings are mostly helpful and many are even heeded.
ForesakenSoul · 46-50, M
Too bad my angel didn't say TEMPORARY wife
ForesakenSoul · 46-50, M
Warn. And offer a BETTER choice
Classified · M
A warning can be quite useful
A warning would be nice.

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