when you are going through life and you see everything only with the eyes of a calculator and all your thoughts revolve permanently about the cost-benefit-ratio?
Good question... For us, who are empathic and have other values, it is difficult to understand how someone can think and act so rationally. Fortunately for us empaths, not everyone is like the one you're talking about.
@RobinPhoenix Es ist schön zu wissen, dass ich ein bissle mehr weiß als mein Robin und dass die bayerischen Knödel den schwäbischen Spätzle doch haushoch überlegen sind. 😜🤭🤭😘
@Loretta78 Das ist alles Taktik von mir. Ab und zu lass ich dir das Gefühl eines Triumphes... das machen schwäbische Heilige so mit aufmüpfigen, anspruchsvollen und übermütigen (bayerischen) Untertanen 😁😁😜
It's worth nothing... calculator is a tool to be used when required and turned off when not. Problem is that many folks can't stop calculating - it has become a bad habit. Truth is calculators are incapable of perceiving beauty. Incessant calculation gradually squeezes beauty, spontaneity and joy out of one's life. One becomes incapable of enjoying simple moments and becomes cynical. One also starts looking down on others who to them seem simple fools. They can't seem to feel much unless they're high on something... it's a bad way to live. I know this because I was an ex-calculator 😂
Humans have proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that life is shit and worth absolutely nothing. It's all about money. Of course that's not true but it's the reality we've created.