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My cat just got caught in the window, thankfully he's okay,me not so much.

When I was trying to open the window to set him free he was so scared and disoriented that he bit me,hard. I'm talking puncture wounds. I cleaned the wounds with hand sanitizer, applied antibacterial cream and a bandage. My poor baby was so frightened. I'm currently dealing with the pain of being bitten by my baby. I know it's silly to cry over it but the whole experience was scary for both of us. Fortunately he's calm now and very apologetic. He came to lie on my bed and then he licked my other hand which is one of the ways he expresses remorse,so cute.

At least I won't have to take him to the vet because Lord knows I can't afford it. This was just icing on top of a shit day in which I received such devastating news. I was already crying and depressed and then this happens.

I have bipolar 2 so I get depressed a lot and lately I had been going through it but yesterday I had such a good day. After what felt like month of pain. I was optimistic believing that the darkness was behind me only to get news so bad I immediately got an ulcer. My shoulders hurt. I now feel numb.

I'm going to list a couple of things I'm grateful for

1. My mother. My mother had been hiding this from the family for 2 months carrying the strain alone. She has high blood pressure,this could've given her a stroke so I'm grateful for her life,her health and her future as we look forward to better days.

2. My father for loving,supporting and forgiving my mother. He didn't shout,he chose to remember all the amazing things my mother has done for us.

3. My sister's who have stepped up to help the family. They're the best sisters I the last born have could ever have.

4. My baby Toby. Funny thing is the day I chose to adopt him I picked him because he bit my finger and played with me the first day I saw him. All the other cats were sitting back but he was so playful. He's the best cat in the world.

5. My boyfriend who has been my supporter.

6. My friend who supports me.

7. The food that's in the kitchen despite the dire circumstances.

8. I got a cool 1000 piece puzzle last weekend and today it helped me calm my emotions.

9. All the YouTubers that I watch.

10. All my comfort shows that I binge.

Bonus= You guys. Knowing I can come here to vent is great.

Wow,I feel a lot better after writing my gratitude list.
deadgerbil · 22-25, F
Hopefully that doesn't get infected

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