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That's pretty childish of them to put you in the middle of that and your answer, about going to both places, breaks my heart. Do you only live with your mom or is it shared custody? Sometimes boys your age will hate on their mother if the mother is primarily caregiver and will idealize the absent father, even though he is problematic and not really a parent. From your description here it sounds as if your father is more of a problem than your mother.
@Angelwarfare thank you! Like i said before on my other post about “i hate my parents” it explains one of the many things my parents have done to me and my mental health. School doesn’t make it any better either.

Everyday feels like a yelling competition in my house and i cant even go to my room bc i dont have one! I have to share a room with my mom. Ik some kids have it worse than me and dont even have a house but i am almost in high school and i find a bit embarrassing, i can never envite friends over bc i am embarrassed of it. Plus in my house i have no locks either. My family also sucks but a story for next time, y’know?

But my mom also always told me my dad was also cheating on her and really always told me all the bad things abt him. But the second i say smth bad abt him i am the one in the wrong and she yells at me for that! My entire life she made my dad the bad guy and now that i am looking in her perspective i am the cruel one for saying i dont want to see my dad? Even tho told me she didn’t want me near my dad…she is very confusing

But thank you for ur concerns

Oh I'll have a look at that story. I'd definitely tell your mother that you feel it's her obligation, as a parent, to find a place with your own room. You're a teen boy (I think) and that's just not okay. I'm not insinuating anything weird here but psychologically speaking having you in her room is likely subconsciously affecting you in a negative way. Tell her that.
@Angelwarfare trust me i have told her, even if its a room underneath the stairs i will take it, and i cant even decorate one small corner how i want it! I more in to rock and metal music since the times i did go out with my dad he would be blasting those types of songs, i want posters and my own everything!

She even controls what i wear and makes me wear bright color clothing even tho i told her my style is more of a grunge aesthetic

She completely ignores my request and her excuse is “i am your mother and ik whats best for you.”

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