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Happytohelp · 13-15
Hello! I can help. From my experience, leave your friends, please. They will be out of your life anyway, so you might as well take them out now. they are clearly not good friends. But don't worry! Friends are friends for a reason, and your not alone. Try spending your alone time doing something good for yourself :) don't sit on your phone, study, read , be creative spend time with nature. Second, parents tend to do that alot, don't worry. I understand, but make yourself happy and proud before you make your parents proud. Even the little things, you get a 50%? No problem! You should be proud of what you work for, and I'm proud of were you've got in life. Another thing that might help is finding faith in a religion. I hope you have a nice day :)

collin · M
it's going to be hard but keep going. even if you hate waking up in the morning, just set a goal for you to get through, and start from there. start thinking of ways to stop the negative things completely, like cutting your friends off or communicating with a counselor at your school about your teachers. focus on the little things that make you happy, and go from there
That’s dumb of them

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