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That's why I get skype or steam info from people I like to talk to; still able to tell GermanAF about free games even though he's never on anymore. lol
Dream3ater26-30, M
@Teirdalin Not a bad idea tbh, the messaging system here isn't the most reliable. lol

I know the feeling. There are a few who have simply up and left, without even a goodbye. When I think about it I feel sad, but I also respect those a lot more than I do the ones who stick around and complain about the site and us and how horrible we are. If I ever decide to *exit stage left* I will also simply leave. With one or two exceptions, I won't even say goodbye.
Keepitsimple51-55, F
Anybody who is truly a friend to me we find other resources to stay in touch. Texting apps are great for that.
Yes it does
Rocknrod61-69, M
I know. Right?
Should be sad

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