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Don’t fall for “good enough”.

I have to keep telling myself this. You see my life is relatively comfortable. I have shelter, food, clothes and provide anything else that is necessary for my life to continue without too much trouble. I can easily subsist on my current living situation and just indulge in all the things that are easy to enjoy. Such as video games, social media, and all the other limitless forms of entertainment we have with the internet. I could get lost in this world for the rest of my time alive without even thinking about it. Live an unremarkable life and pass from this world as such all because things were good enough. I don’t want to be like this.

It’s so easy to use the justification that it’s not a big deal because genuinly it isn’t. I can idle the days away and not feel anything bad other than personal guilt because right now. It’s not a big deal. That doesn’t mean there isn’t a negative effect though. I can do this again tomorrow where it’s still not a big deal. There’s that negative effect, but I can simply deny or ignore it for now. I can do this for months. Years. Any amount of time where it’s not a big deal, but then one day it’s going to be. Eventually I’m going to look back on my life and wonder where all the time went and why I didn’t do more with it. Eventually it’s going to become a big deal and one I can’t save myself from anymore.

Good enough isn’t happiness. Good enough isn’t fulfillment. Good enough has a terrifyingly subtle and unseen way of leading you to a point that isn’t good enough anymore. All because it’s easier to be complacent. It’s easier to do what’s fun and comfortable instead because you can and there’s no immediate consequence for that. The effort of being productive when I simply don’t have to be is the challenge of my life right now. I know what I have to do with my time. It’s just a matter of making myself do it. Normally I only achieved if I had to. Now that I don’t have to, it’s a whole new problem to keep moving up in life with struggle while the temptations of immediate gratification where I don’t have to are always available. That path won’t lead to a good place but the one where I persevere in my disciplines will.

As obviously as this is, doing the harder thing really is hard. So much so that I think most of us don’t ever bother unless we absolutely have to. Good luck keeping that up if you don’t.
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It’s always inspiring to ‘read’ you, my friend! 🥰

Good enough is not happiness.

We don’t have to meet other people’s standards, but we have to strive to meet our own. Good enough is settling, giving up that there could be something better and something more.

Settling is not happiness.
Reject · 26-30, M
@CookieCrumbs Cookie! The one who always makes me feel special. Right you are, but one has to be careful with their own standards. They shouldn’t be too high, or too low. They should be just right for you. How does one know that? Every action you make that is independent of the world is true to yourself.
🥰 Well said…. Always insightful words coming from you.
Everything is a distraction for us from ourselves.

Make a few changes and you’ll be happier within yourself.


I’m sure you’ll find your path, you’re very wise. 🦉
RubySoo · 56-60, F
@SW-User total sense. It just happens one day doesn't it? I just wish it had happened a bit sooner for me.

It happens because you’re ready for it, it’s never too early or too late. Timings are always right. 🥰✨♥
MellyMel22 · F
Sterling! I miss you! I have to see if I missed a reply cause you know how I do half asleep especially 😩 We have to catch up soon ❤
MellyMel22 · F
@Reject So much has gone on that I wasn’t thinking clearly. Sorry 😞
Reject · 26-30, M
@MellyMel22 No need to apologize! We’re both adults living our lives. Things happen. I understand. It’s just nice to hear from you every now and then. Some people I knew are just gone entirely.
MellyMel22 · F
@Reject I feel the same. Just had a lot on my mind. Will share with you soon.
So what will your first action be?
@Reject so it's not something specific like enrolling in a course
Reject · 26-30, M
@metaldog Well I could get into specifics. There’s many I’ve planned out. For example: I’m going to consolidate all of my finances into my hybrid brokerage account that also functions as my bank. It’s has an APY that is higher than nearly every high yield savings account there is. If my money is smart, then the rest of life follows.
@Reject getting finances in order is a good place to start!!
Felina · F
I hear you

Contentment is bliss but change s also essential for personal growth

Felina · F
But that’s ok … we all feel this way dear friend , it’s just not possible to be given everything in this life … we only have so much and with that our journeys are all different yet we share a common ground in the philosophy of life itself such as joy , excitement, heartbreak, being overwhelmed… solitude .. good or bad company

We are all students in this school of life

Patience will guide us … love will connect us and hate will divide us

It’s been this way since the dawn of time … 🌄 🦖 @Reject
Reject · 26-30, M
@Felina True. Nobody can have it all. Every shortcoming that life inevitably forces onto us is fine, as long as they’re not my doing. I can learn to love the fate that is out of my hands, but it’s the destiny I can control which concerns me.
Felina · F
Yes Sir 😎😘@Reject
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Reject · 26-30, M
@GrazedByTheVoid I’m just happy my post could resonate with anyone else. It almost feels like the challenge of modern day man. Working even when we don’t have to.
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