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Ugh. Procrastination strikes again.

Feeling stuck. Paralyzed. And knowing that procrastination is a thing I do, and not an external thing that happens to me, is not helping. I keep finding all kinds of things to preoccupy myself, "important things that have to get done at some point anyway", focusing on anything and everything but the task at hand. I swear there's something wrong with my brain. Ugh.
Go outside and brisk walk for a distance, and do not open your phone during the walk. You will feel more willing to do your important works after you return.

Procrastination is about choosing the easiest and the most awarding work to our senses & mind, over the one that require much physical effort or a concentrated & dedicated mind. It's a form of laziness. To break that cycle of laziness in your mind, you have to do something that requires what your minds wanted to avoid, like doing some physical intensive work, or work requiring high degree of concentration, whatever works better for you.

Then whatever works for you to break the cycle of procrastination, include it in your routine.

All the Best !
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
I think we live in a time where trying to do the necessary has never been so difficult.

I sympathise
earthtonestoday · 51-55
@Picklebobble2 yeah I think you're probably right
RedBaron · M
I’m always trying to procrastinate, but I keep putting it off. 🤣
No worries
Do it tomorrow 🫢
ArtieKat · M
I can sympathise!
Therealsteve · 31-35, M
What's the point in anything. We exist and struggle and have most of our work taxed for a few decades, and then poof we are gone forever in a universe that has existed for billions of years and will continue for many more billions of years.

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