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I Have A Confession To Make

I guess i must start with, my luck in romantic relationship department is at best; shitty.

My first ever committed romantic relationship lasted for almost 5 years. We met while we're studying in the same university. He was from the Saudi and i'm just a local girl. Even when he went back to Saudi after we graduated, we still continued our relationship. Texting, calls, facetime, skype. Name it. We were in love.

Then finally, we arrived at the stage where he wanted to meet my parents to ask my hand in marriage. I was beyond happy. To spend the rest of my life with the love of my heart. Who in the world wouldn't be happy!?

Long story short, his mother didn't approved. She wanted him to marry a girl from his country. He had a huge fight with his family for days because of this. I know he was especially close with his mother.. and the whole situation was tearing him inside. So i did what was best. I let him go.

He got engaged a month after we broke up and got married few months after that.

His new wife have the same name as me. I know, because he called me to share the good news. I congratulated him with a smile while my mending heart broke to million pieces. Again.

I wasn't mad at him for being happy. I was disappointed and sad of my shitty luck.

Close to a year after that, i met someone on EP. We became internet friends and long after getting to know each other for months, we decided to become a LDR couple. Everything is sunshine and rainbow again for me. I was happy.

Lets call him Mr. T. He's an American. Not quite tall, more on the buff side, beautiful brunette, shoulder length hair, pale green eyes, wicked killer smile. A neat freak. Can be stubborn as a mule and refuse to get on with the latest technology.

He moves around a lot because of work. Currently lives in Atlanta working from home as I.T. person for the U.S gov. He's a few years older than me. Single. Never married. Have a pet fat cat name Squeaks.

Next year February will be our 4 years together. (on-off).

Everything was great in the beginning. Then gradually he changed. I changed too. One moment everything was fine then another suddenly shit storm happen. There were times i'd feel like i was walking on glass with him. Wrong word and he'd snapped and we'd get into a fight. I hate fighting. It's tiring. So i'd always try to appease him. Which deep in my head i know that's actually a dumb move.

I love him to bits but he's not making it easier to love him. He told me that his family abandoned him when he was 24 years old, his mother doesnt love him and his father left when he was a baby, he was fired from jobs 3 times, his best friends doesnt want to reconnect. He said his luck in life is the worse kind of luck. Like the world is against him. I feel bad for him. I empathize him. So i try to love him the best i can. But loving him now feels like im losing myself bit by bit everyday and it's eating me inside.

When i tried to talk to him about some issues, it will somehow always ended up with how man is superior than woman and dont have these useless feelings, getting emotional over things and dont have to deal with periods etc. So i quit talking to him about things. Because somehow im never good at arguing and he's an expert at twisting words and always want to win and i didnt want us to fight.

2 years into the relationship, I found out his real name is not Mr. T. It's Mr. R. I asked him why did he gave me a fake name and he told me that he didn't think we'd last this long. (WTH) Same goes for his birthday date. He gave me a fake date. Twice. That should be a warning bell, but my stupid brain wouldnt listen.

I always made excuses for his behavior. I is blind; but it shouldn't make you stupid too. Right? Tough dumb luck, im both.

Not long after, i got a good job opportunity with better pay and benefits. He was excited for me which made me happy. I care a lot about his opinion. I work for one of the country's renowned news station in the On Air graphic department. It's a demanding job with working hours could exceed 15 hours a day.

But somehow, to him my job is so insignificant that he sums it all down to copy and paste job. Not like his job; very important. (he helps solve people having I.T related issues) Why cant both of our job be important tho?

He has been nagging me to come visit him for so long that i worked extra hours to have enough money to visit him. (it's not freaking cheap!) I've met some good people here on Similar Worlds and most of them asked me why i was the one having to go visit him and not the other way around. So i asked him why he didn't visit me instead and he told me that it'll be too expensive for him. (and not too expensive for me?)

In the name of love, i complied.

Flew thousands of miles just to go see him. You'd expect he'd come get me at the airport like some Hallmark love movies right? Nope. He asked me to take a cab and go to the nearest McDonald. His reason was he's new to the area so it'll be easier for him to find me at the nearest landmark. And there i thought Atlanta airport should be a big ass enough landmark to find!

Told him not to give me a hard time and just come find me at the airport. Thank god he actually listen. Felt like it was a damn miracle!

Guess what i found out when i was in the car with him?

He have a 18 years old son and his cat Squeak's real name is Pudding. F*ck me.

Why in the world did i not use my brain more? Why did i ignored all the nagging wrong feeling in my guts? Why im loving all wrong? Why cant i have the easy way in love..

Thanks for your time reading.

I'm currently seriously considering my life new options.
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greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
Most relationships of any kind (romantic, platonic, business) do not work out. Your luck may be more normal than you think.

People from traditional societies marry whom their parents wish them to marry. And their parents never wish them to marry someone outside their cultural world. Attempts to do so nearly always lead to heartbreak.

Long distance relationships in which the two people are basically correspondents and phone conversationalists, and do not really know each other in person in their actual lives are famous (or maybe I should say "infamous") for lies and various deceptions and ultimate disappointments.

I hope I don't sound harsh and unsympathetic, but you seem like one of those people who finds it unromantic to put any degree of common sense or realistic notions into the glory of a fantasy fueled love affair. For you, facing the obvious ruins the romance, the joy of believing that fate has somehow, against all the odds, found you a perfect match.

The problem with that is...if facing reality ruins it all, ruination is inevitable since reality has a way of interfering with fantasy sooner or later. Fantasy is fragile; reality is made of steel.

Now that you are heading into your 30s--potentially some of the best years of your life--it might be time to inject a little bit of necessary skepticism, occasionally even outright cynicism, into your evaluation of a potential life partner. Because, like I said earlier, most relationships don't work out.

Don't hate me for saying this, OK? Just learn to take care of yourself. With a more mature view of romance, who knows, you might actually get lucky one day. I wish you the best.
mistfox · 36-40, F
@greenmountaingal oh dear no, I wouldn't hate you for sharing your view. Thank you for taking your time to share your thoughts with me. I appreciate it. And maybe you're right. I've always believed that there are good in people until they prove me wrong.. That will have to change. Scepticism and cynical. I'll remember your advice. Thank you. :)
greenmountaingal · 70-79, F
@mistfox One way to spot bad or deceptive people early is to read this excellent book:
The Gift of Fear

by Gavin DeBecker

It is a riveting read and I promise you won't be bored. You can learn to spot bad people, and bad situations, ahead of time. He also explains how to handle threats, how to assess how dangerous someone might be, why some people become stalkers or scary people, how to deal with abusers and people who won't let go. (DeBecker says, "People who won't let go pick people who won't say No.") This man is considered a world class expert in the area of bad people, threats, violence, sociopaths etc. He truly knows what he is talking about including from personal experience in his own life.
mistfox · 36-40, F
"People who won't let go pick people who won't say No." - this one hit me.

Thanks for the suggestion. It'll definitely be an interesting read. :)
Wow, I would get far away from this guy. He has been lying the whole time, such a bad sign. I mean, what is the point of lying about the cats name, that makes no sense. And then not mentioning he has a kid, nah, red flags all over this one.
mistfox · 36-40, F
@Lackwittyname thank you for the kind offer. :) I really appreciate that. Maybe I'll come bug you if this somehow turns ugly.
@mistfox Feel free, anytime, happy to talk and share advice/ideas or just for you to vent.
mistfox · 36-40, F
@Lackwittyname you're volunteering to hear me vent? 😄 LOL.
Thank you. I might take your offer on that. 😁
don't let this get to you.. just know that these ldr on the net are very iffy at best.. he gave you many warning signs you choose to ignore.. there are a ton of nice guys out there.. just be more careful about sharing your love too soon
mistfox · 36-40, F
@looking4thesun sigh...I was dumb and blind. I lost myself loving him. I will be more careful from now on. But to be honest, I'm tired of getting my heart broken. Thank you for your advice. I appreciate it. :)
@mistfox you should not have to worry about a broken heart if you do your due diligence and research your friends on here.. :) take your time and really get to know them.. become friends first, not lovers
Wiseacre · F
This is waaaaay to long!
We can't answer ur personal qs.. we don't know u!
mistfox · 36-40, F
@Wiseacre its more of a confession.
Wiseacre · F
@mistfox what are u confessing?
mistfox · 36-40, F
@Wiseacre that i have shitty luck in the relationship department.
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
Everything was okay with the current dude until you said he lied about his cats name
mistfox · 36-40, F
@DownTheStreet lol. not just that. He lied about having a kid too.
DownTheStreet · 56-60, M
Yeah, but the cat ... why lie about that? @mistfox
mistfox · 36-40, F
@DownTheStreet how am i supposed to know why he lied. And he get mad when i accidentally called his cat Squeaks (after knowing him with that name for more than 2 years) instead of Pudding.
eMortal · M
Wow woman, I hope you're better now.
I'm glad you got over the Saudi guy. He didn't fight hard enough you too. Some people renounce religion and country for the love of their life.
The second was a catfish! What a jerk! Not sure why he didn't end things as you getting closer to the truth. I understand when your relationship started he wasn't expecting it to go far and he wasn't feeling obligated to tell you the truth. But as things got serious he owed you the truth! Flying thousands of miles away to find that someone didn't mention that they an 18yo son is not a good sign. It pretty much means he still wasn't thinking the relationship will last. The fights out of nowhere were actually an attempt to break away.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
I figured you was going to say he bought his wife😕
mistfox · 36-40, F
@Virgo79 😅 the Saudi guy? It was his distant cousin. He wasn't meant for me. We (he mostly) still contact sometimes.
Virgo79 · 61-69, M
@mistfox I was meaning the second guy in the story, as I read I started suspecting it, lol
mistfox · 36-40, F
@Virgo79 oh lol! 😂 Like mail order bride? 😁
awhitedot · 46-50, M
Yeah, the Atlanta airport is pretty damn easy to find. Sheesh.

I hope you have let this loser go!
mistfox · 36-40, F
@awhitedot I haven't.. I'm seriously considering it. I hope I've love him enough for him not hate anyone when I finally leave..
awhitedot · 46-50, M
@mistfox I’m not the king of good decisions but even I can see this guy needs to be left on the curb. I know it will cause you heartache but I promise you will be better on the other side!
mistfox · 36-40, F
@awhitedot thanks for the advice, good sir. I really appreciate it. It's definitely not going to be easy letting him go. I love him with all my heart but I can already feel my heart breaking.

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