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BlueVeins · 22-25
Honestly, I don't entirely disagree with this, as long as it's limited to the 2nd and 3rd trimester and is limited to actual relevant information (not showing footage or whatever). As nothing else, it makes sense from a consumer rights perspective; imagine finding out only afterwards that fetuses in the 2nd trimester are very likely sentient and show a physiological pain response, you know? Don't do anything obnoxious like force them to watch footage, but people should know what they're getting into when they get a medical procedure done.
Having said that, Alito opposes abortions anyway so he's very clearly saying this in bad faith.
Having said that, Alito opposes abortions anyway so he's very clearly saying this in bad faith.
@BlueVeins The procedure is explained to patients and all it entails. It's not like they just do it without talking to the patient first.
He should be forced to watch people die from pregnancy complications and tour the aftermath of school shootings then. He should then be forced to bury the bodies.
I think the same should be forced on people buying guns.
Scribbles · 36-40, F
What distressing details? Wouldn't that backfire? Like hypothetically learning that a fifteen week fetus can't currently feel pain or have the systems developed for consciousness. It's more distressing shopping for chicken or fish because it felt pain when it died. School shootings are more upsetting because developed conscious children died.
What distressing details? Wouldn't that backfire? Like hypothetically learning that a fifteen week fetus can't currently feel pain or have the systems developed for consciousness. It's more distressing shopping for chicken or fish because it felt pain when it died. School shootings are more upsetting because developed conscious children died.
scabs · 51-55, T
He should be forced to adopt and care for all the unwanted babies
Yeah most are done before 8 weeks. I'm certain hearing about the limited development of the fetus at that point is very distressing.
BackyardShaman · 61-69, M
Ali to had no right to talk down to women based on a book of fairytales used to manipulate society.
Roundandroundwego · 61-69
They're pro life except for the war and the mass extinction.
They're pro life except for the war and the mass extinction.