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SomeMichGuy · M
Well, you might familiarize yourself with the failure rates of contraception. I knew a gal who had gotten pregnant on "every form of contraception" she'd tried.
She had four kids.
She had four kids.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
You said you couldnt think of a reason. I just provided two. The frequency insnt the issue to the ones that dont want to bear the child.
MaliaAgain · 36-40, F
As an angel mom I thought I would change my mind, but I havent. I think every woman has a right to choose what to do with their body. Of course I would hope they choose adoption instead, but its not in my place to judge. Plus is abortion really worse than child abuse? We all know some people should never be parents
Pretzel · 61-69, M
@art...maybe. may just have firm convictions. I am not arguing for them and as far as a birth control measure I think it is not a great choice. But I wont judge someone that decides to do it.
Contraception doesn't work always, I had a friend who conceived both of her children while taking the pill, she had sex the same week she'd been sick or something, so that threw her body out of whack or something.. Condoms can split.. you know nothing really is 100% effective.
Pretzel · 61-69, M
Rape and incest come to mind
sarahxjayne · F
@unclebuckwasagenius · that isn't the baby's fault though. And only 1 per cent of abortions are due to rape, and surprisingly, most women who are raped do keep their baby
MeTooxMaxPain · 46-50, M
Lack of self control
Elegy · 46-50
Yup it's all sorted then.
Elegy · 46-50
Must be a troll.