It was lovely as always , I even made some homemade hot chicken wings 😜 Mmmm
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Oh and I thought about you as I ate them 😜 Mmmmm. Lol@ChickenWingFreak:
LionsLair · 26-30, F
@Realniceone4you: haha you should eat them more often then 😂 but not too often

Oh I cut off all the extra skin and fat . Don't worry baby ,I'll keep my boyish figure for you 😘@ChickenWingFreak:
OKWTF2 · 51-55, M
only had one night off, but it was ok, like the extra night working come paycheck time I suppose.
LionsLair · 26-30, F
@OKWTF2: yea it pays off. Literally 😂
pandainpinktutu · 26-30, F
Spent most of my time with my friends and got to sleep like a baby for a change.
Spent most of my time with my friends and got to sleep like a baby for a change.
LionsLair · 26-30, F
@pandainpinktutu: ayee that's so great! Mine was awesome too!
I'm doing ok. I got a soundwave in my transformers app.
LionsLair · 26-30, F
@MsAnnThropy: that's good haha it's like a game based off the transformers show/movies?
@ChickenWingFreak: Sort of.
LionsLair · 26-30, F
@MsAnnThropy: so what does catching a soundwave mean within the app?
KandiGhostcat · 22-25, F
I went to my nephew's birthday party.
LionsLair · 26-30, F
@KandiGhostcat: that's so cool! Hope he had a wonderful b-day
KandiGhostcat · 22-25, F
@ChickenWingFreak: Yeah. He's 4 now.
LionsLair · 26-30, F
@KandiGhostcat: sweet!!
Coyotedave611 · M
Beautiful actually, thanks for asking.🙊
LionsLair · 26-30, F
@Coyotedave611: no problem! 🐒

It was ok. How was yours?
LionsLair · 26-30, F
@here2bhappy: that's good, mine was great

@ChickenWingFreak: happy to hear that :)
LionsLair · 26-30, F
@here2bhappy: thanks! 😊
SoggedNapped · 31-35, M
Really good..thanks..beach and friends
LionsLair · 26-30, F
@SoggedNapped: sounds like a fun combination!
JustAHappyPerson · 36-40, M
Its Beautiful.
& How was yours ?
& How was yours ?
LionsLair · 26-30, F
@JustAHappyPerson: yaaay! Mine was also beautiful, was just too busy to notice
JustAHappyPerson · 36-40, M
Mine was little lazy, due to the rains...
But, I loved it.
But, I loved it.
Arjun90 · 31-35, M
It's was good 😇
LionsLair · 26-30, F
@Arjun90: glad to hear that 😇
Arjun90 · 31-35, M
@ChickenWingFreak: how was yours ?
LionsLair · 26-30, F
@Arjun90: minevwas good too, thanks!

Just lovely 😘
What about yours gorgeous ?
What about yours gorgeous ?
LionsLair · 26-30, F
@Realniceone4you: glad to hear that 😘 mine was great as well

Aww good to hear 😘@ChickenWingFreak:

Pretty boring tbh but afterwards it's rocking
LionsLair · 26-30, F
@Youcannotfollowme: yea starts at zero and ends up at 100 hundred right?


Ok how's urs
LionsLair · 26-30, F
@HamSolo: mine was good, love your name lol

@ChickenWingFreak: i love yours too :)
5thApprentice · 31-35, M
Chill as always. Yours?
LionsLair · 26-30, F
@5thApprentice: not as chill as usual but still great nonetheless
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LionsLair · 26-30, F
@DixieChick: the fun weekends are the best! What'd you do??

LionsLair · 26-30, F
@beautyndbeast: oh sweet! How so?
Experienced33 · M
just getting started
JoyfulSilence · 46-50, M
Sucked as usual
Went to my Gpa's lake.
Went to my Gpa's lake.
LionsLair · 26-30, F
@FitAndTrimYetThick: that sounds better than being miserable
I guess you would have to understand my life
I guess you would have to understand my life