saintsong · 41-45, F
I wouldn't be so judgmental, fault finding and angry,,,,I would be more loving and compassionate and forgiving.
Challenger1 · M
Focus and get better grades in school. Avoid a car accident, maybe change a few relationships.
CuTiePi · F
Do what I wanted, not what other people told me to.
Deadcutie · 18-21, F
Met my master sooner
labsrock · M
Hold on to the one who I let get away
Karmalives · 51-55, M
Asinatate TRUMP
Karmalives · 51-55, M
@KarmaLives: oops if I am not around for a bit I got arresarrested but doubt I don't tweet . That dumbass

I would've done more shit that people said that I shouldn't