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lizxt · 31-35, F
is that possible?
lizxt · 31-35, F
@Andromeda: I did figure out what I want to do for the next several years and I'm working on that. But I figure when I achieve it I'll be bored again and looking for something else.
Andromeda · 26-30, F
@lizxt: well, you know what you wanna do for the next several years at least and that's good. Life is about achieving more though.
lizxt · 31-35, F
@Andromeda: Exactly. I think it also depends on a lot of factors - like the opportunities you have or where you are in the world or the people around you to kinda figure out what you want. And then as you move along through life you always discover new things and stuff.. but yeah, the beauty of the future is that it comes one day at a time.

rckt148 · 61-69, M
I have been on my own a very long time ,
supported not only myself and a family ,
I have helped many other families as well
took care of my Moms Dad until his death so he never was in a nursing home
3 yrs of taking care of my Dad until his death ,same as Grandpa no nursing home made sure he went to the doctor ,paid for his medication
took care of Mom 14 months ,,seen she was at her doctors appointments ,,had her meds ,at dialysis every other day for 5 yrs ,took on total care of her the last 14 months of her life ,,I did my best to be a good son
Helped raise my brothers,only one ever thanked me ,the one I least expected it from ,for never getting to be a kid ,always there to do for them and getting no praise ,no one know all I had to do ,but back then no one cared anyway ,
raised my kids and helped with theirs when the Dads turned out to be dead beats
I let my sister in laws girls move in at 16 and 17 ,,made sure they finished school as I had all my kids and one went on to college
Have run every machine you can imagine ,crossed the ocean more times then I remember myself and 2 other crew members all of us under 25 ,so we could save lives serve our country ,
Lost 2 great wives and lots of girlfriends ,back then I turned to drugs and Alcohol for me peace of mind ,I was a drunk and an addict from 13 -34
I have been the leader of many bands ,do a good one man show
built mansions all over the country ,,ran my own companies ,,
but I never took time to really know me or what was really important in my life until a few years ago
Would you believe me if I said ,I am here to know Christ ,and share who He is with others ?
I sure did waste a lot of time and my youth trying to find happiness ,
I had my world in my grasp since I was in my 20's but I didn't get it
my family has always been my world
being a good grandson ,a son ,a brother ,husband ,dad ,granddad now ,,and a loyal friend ,,
I was already what I wanted to be ,
but I had to loose it all and almost my life to get
Everything I needed was always right there ,Christ and my Family ,
and the God given talents ,that were given to Glorify God ,
but I was always working so hard so someone would be proud if me
turns out ,,Someone always was ,,it was me who wasn't
Andromeda · 26-30, F
You know, I am thankful for everything I have. I have great parents, and a normal life without any controversy about basic things. Thank God I was never hungry, never been drunk, never used drug, nobody took advantages of me.. but something is missing, I don't like anything anymore. I used to write, play guitar, listen to music, read books, play chess, go to gym, do silly things with my friends and laugh alot. I used to like astronomy but I didn't use my telescope for the past 2 years, I didn't even look at the sky. I used to get straight A, but I don't care anymore. I mean, what's the point?
I'm single. I'm still with my parents but I will move in 3 months for college. I don't have a car, I don't really need one, and I've done nothing in my entire life, why would my parents be proud of me?
rckt148 · 61-69, M
you can play a guitar ?
can you sing ?
what are you going to college for ?
and a star gazer ( my brother keeps saying he see's orbs going in and out of the atmosphere and a Nibiru Planet X The Awakening ,maybe you can peek and I can tell him my friends looked and its not coming and I am not kidding about that
but I play Guitar and sing ,write songs .
what kind of music do you like ,,
I am trying to get my Granddaughter to sing the female part of this song
anyway ,you sound like you got a plan you are just in a rut ,
but you got time ,I know some who figure it out in their 20's
but seems like 30 is the magic number for really getting it
I started earlier then most people I know ,
but I missed that 30 mark ,,I had major back surgery on my 30th birthday ,,
so a major reset
My Grandson has only been playing guitar a couple months ,
tomorrow he is going to play for a family function with me and do about 6 songs he has down pretty good ,
maybe if we get a good recording ,I'll share it with you if you like .
any way got to sleep ,we have to practice early
have a blessed one
Andromeda · 26-30, F
I can sing, but it could be better. I'm not taking my classes anymore though.
All I care about music is good lyrics and exciting rhythm, kind is not that important for me.
Computer engineering.
I had plan, but now, I just don't see any future for myself, there is no point in doing all of these things.
Tatsumi · 31-35, M
I'd say 23. Though, i only figured out my purpose in life. Which is to ultimately experience more pleasure than pain. Or, to balance the scales as much as possible.

This doesnt include career ideas. On that, at 27, I'm still lost.

But. I think with our limited lifespans, only a few actually gain total clarity on what their life is supposed to be. But, I dont think any clarity will come if one simply waits for it to appear. It's a learning process, is what I'll say. I think it would take many decades to really figure it out. I don't know. Maybe that is a cheap rationalization in order to justify my own lack of direction. Or maybe not.

But, for me, it is true, I think.

But. If i were to tell my younger self something, i would tell him to just pick a direction and start walking. You can always change course if you discover that is not the right direction. And along the way, you will gain insights and understanding, which will help you pick future paths. Much better than simply standing still and wondering. No progress is made that way.
MikefromEP · 56-60, M
The longer you live.. the more you ask. Of course it will be hard. What is the point of life if everything is handed to you on a silver platter?
Andromeda · 26-30, F
@MikefromEP: I don't want nothing on a silver platter. But I want something, anything to show me the direction, to lift my spirits. I fear the worst, because I don't really see any bright days in my life.
It will take years=700 Days or more.

God would say it will take 3 day = 3 years in God's Time.

Eat Healthy.
Find something you would enjoy that is part of your life in General.

Think Positive. Don't let these thoughts Advertisement get to you.

Always Trust in Jesus Christ. its different or hard at first but life will be more Security Better than our old selves.
PeanutsauntieP1982 · 41-45, F
I'm 34 and still don't have it down just yet, so don't worry, just do your best to live, learn and laugh. Plus, if you can laugh at it, you can live with it!
Andromeda · 26-30, F
@PeanutsauntieP1982: I really can't laugh at anything. I've lost my sense of humor.
PeanutsauntieP1982 · 41-45, F
What made you lose it? Perhaps you need to rediscover it. Not having humor in ones life has a tendency to age one prematurely, if you ask me.
Andromeda · 26-30, F
@PeanutsauntieP1982: I don't know, I woke up one morning and it was gone. Yeah, I'm in my 80's and ready to die if you think that way.
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Andromeda · 26-30, F
@QueenQueenie: I think so :-?
Yup. Still haven't figured it out
Neiromatheous · 31-35, M
I still haven't figured it out.
I still am!!
Deadcutie · 18-21, F
Andromeda · 26-30, F
Good :)

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