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I have more grocery list than money.

Payday really is an elusive wee bugger.
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MedusaIII · 31-35, F
I had to do a weeks shop today nowing i had barely enough cash to make it til payday. Makes you think about the things you want but dont need, and the things you need.
MedusaIII · 31-35, F
Deffo! Cant wait til payday and then i go mad on making food and freezing it all. Lifesaver!
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@MedusaIII: usually I do that. But I've been busy this month. Lesson learned. Make time.
MedusaIII · 31-35, F
Same here 😭
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Our payday this week is normally tuesday but this week it is a public holiday, looks like we will get paid on Wednesday
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@nedkelly: noooooooo!

Do they not have to pay you before. Check your bank.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
@Sonnet: I have a spare account just in case
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@nedkelly: smartypants
wetncthru · F
Too much month left at the end of the paycheck?
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@wetncthru: yep. I've been out s lot this month.
WorldlyWoes · 36-40, M
I'm starting to really feel the economic pinch here in the UK.
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@NocturnalNomad: it'll bounce back though, everything always does.
WorldlyWoes · 36-40, M
@Sonnet: We still haven't bounced back from the recession in 2008, things are just getting worse. If Chairman Theresa Mao gets in it'll be bleak for a very long time. We'll have no digital privacy, the NHS will have been bought by an American company.. poverty and mental health health issues will rise, creating an even greater number of homeless people. With the increase of import tax and the decreasing value of the pound, food prices will sky rocket, which will be a disaster considering the state we're in now.
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@NocturnalNomad: yikes. Sorry
goliathtree · 56-60, M
good thing you are fasting.
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@goliathtree: only till six o'clock. I'm eating clean the rest of the week.
Pineapple · 100+, F
Me the next day: I need to choose if I'd rather starve for the rest of the month or get in debt with my phone company
Sonnet · 41-45, F
@Pineapple: that pretty much covers it. Food or social life. Choices choices!

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