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in10RjFox · M
When you have nothing left to lose, you become dangerous.
My choice of word would be Courageous and not dangerous. Unless you meant dangerous to oneself, which I think you didn't.
I did that 12 years back and have come a long way. Destroyed my comfort zones that make you relax and make you complacent, so there is no escape. And now ready to take on the world by storm.
exchrist · 31-35
It can be a liberating experience! Was fanily there to help you?
QCDog2659 · 61-69, M
Good luck on your positive evolution.
And I am happy that you possess survival skills that way too many people lack.
And I am happy that you possess survival skills that way too many people lack.
JamesBugman · 56-60, T
What do you really need? A safe place to sleep, a place to shower, to poop. Clothes, Food, exercise. Medical care. Someplace to put your stuff, to call home.
Can you do all of that from a Van? Yes, pretty much. The money you save from renting can eventually go into the down-payment for an apartment. Get a large enough one so you can rent out the other rooms in it. Now you have a positive income.
Can you do all of that from a Van? Yes, pretty much. The money you save from renting can eventually go into the down-payment for an apartment. Get a large enough one so you can rent out the other rooms in it. Now you have a positive income.
WolfGirlwh0r3 · 36-40, T
Super proud standing up when the whole down

metaldog · 51-55, F