The Toronto Airplane Crash
Having watched every video I could find on the crash I saw one that showed what happened. The aircraft was landing to the southwest with a strong cross wind from the west. Weather reports say gusty winds up to 53 knots 61 mph or 100 kph. As a pilot you come down the glide slope crabbed into the wind but just before touch down you line up with the runway and keep your upwind wing low. If the upwind wing is too high the wind can easily lift that wing causing the aircraft to roll over. In the video I saw that is exactly what happened. However preventing the accident should have taken place before the final approach began. The pilot needed to verify that his aircraft was capable of handling those conditions before they even got close to the ground. With perfect 20/20 hindsight the pilot should have aborted the landing and sought an alternative airport. Fortunately no one was killed and we can all pray for those who were injured.