I truly hope you find somewhere else soon
@Bexsy thank you 🖤 I need a job with plants or work from home type situation. Something less peoply
@MarbleMarvel if you cant find a work from home job, a plant nursery would be wonderful for you 🖤
@Bexsy more plants less people
Treat yourself especially well this evening. 🤗
@NudasPriest I'm updating my resume this evening
@MarbleMarvel That sounds perfect. 🤞
being · 36-40, F
If they hate you, it's themselves that they hate.
It's impossible to hate a creature like yourself..
They're most probably miserable in themselves and very much tired...
It's impossible to hate a creature like yourself..
They're most probably miserable in themselves and very much tired...
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being · 36-40, F
@MarbleMarvel yeah I hear you.. I know. It's only a passage for you but to them it's life. Gift them some colours and plants, they sound like they need it
pancakeslam · 41-45, M
yeah turn the tables on em. treat them like 🗑