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Who has found money? How much?

I have never found large amounts. Small change, low amount bills.
One time my wife and I were walking through a park and we saw a few coins on the ground. We picked them up and looked around and found a lot more. It must have been like 50 NIS , which nowadays it equivalent to about $15.
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cherokeepatti · 61-69, F
I have found $20 bills three different times. Once in a parking lot, twice at work which I turned in to the building coordinator (at a university), the first time she held it till school was out and gave it to me, the second time she said keep it.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
I found 5 bucks last week on the sidewalk while walking to my barber shop . It felt so good.
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@rhouse well done for returning it to him
rhouse · 56-60, M
@BridgeOvertroubledWaters A lot of people disagree some of the things I do but I always try to be honest.
I found 40$ once by a tree 😅
metaldog · 51-55, F
I found $300 rolled up on the train once
GeistInTheMachine · 31-35, M
A small loan of five dollars.
Lilymoon · F
$20.00 in an old coat pocket 🥳
swirlie · F
I found $15,000 in a wallet that was sitting on top of a payphone at LaGuardia Airport in New York one time.
swirlie · F
It was a payphone right beside my departure gate, so I sat there for an hour waiting for my flight anyway, thinking that if the owner of the money came along and starting freaking out over it, that I would just surrender it if that happened.

But then my flight was further delayed by another hour, which meant I sat there for 2 hours in total, but nobody ever showed up to claim it. So, I just put the money in my carry-on bag and eventually boarded my plane and went home with it.
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@GeistInTheMachine someone got fried and was put on desk work for the rest of his CIA career lol
I found a wallet in a restroom back in 1987 with a $20 bill in it and turned it into mall securituly and got ridiculed fornit by the rest of the kids in my group home. A week later I got a letter in the mail saying how grateful they were that I turned it in, with a $5 bill included, the wallet was the guy's son and the money was from his 10th birthday and was devastated he lost it. The head staff member of my group home used this as an example of the importance of honesty.
@AthrillatheHunt Thank You so very much :)
@NativePortlander1970 that was a good deed and the right thing to do.
@BridgeOvertroubledWaters Thank you so very much, everyone else in my group home said they would have taken the money and trashed the wallet, which explained why they were there.
candycane · 36-40, F
I found $430. 00 0ne time, was stranded at myrtle beach and they were evacuating as a huricane was coming in, i was going to walk to store to spend my last 21$ for food and drink I buy over 150$ in supplies and made it through ok
Musicman · 61-69, MVIP
The most I have ever found was $5.

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