I am real....yes
I was in the feds. Yes I walked a yard independent. My tattoos are real. And yes I came out ten toes down. My paperwork is straight.
That s*** did change my mind set, though.Let me tell you. I still have a good heart but I don't do with no b*******No more. I don't like conflict but you bring bullshit to my doorstep and I will handle you. I don't better eyelash.No more.I don't worry about your little tiny little feelings. I don't worry if you gonna go tell your mama.
There's only two people I worry about in this universe, God.And my fucking parole officer. If you ain't either one of those you can do shit to me bitch. So i'm going to tell you exactly what's on my mind. If you are cool with that that's awesome. If you can deal with that shit and you want something sugar coated go eat a fucking donut.