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Moving toward a technocratic dictatorship…

“The spirit of truth and the spirit of freedom—these are the pillars of society.” -HENRIK IBSEN-

The technocrats are moving us toward a society where truth becomes unrecognizable and freedom and privacy are non-existent.

Technocracy is not something new, the technocrats and the idea of technocracy goes back over 100 years. A video well worth your time below. This ideology was always about the elites selling us this Marxist ideology on the premise of it being for the greater good. Ever since I read the book Technocracy Rising by Patrick Wood I became fascinated by this concept of technocracy and its underlying evil and corrupt agenda, which involves the creation of an ultimate police state. A technocratic police state we witness being permanently installed today which would result in ending American sovereignty and the institution of a world government dictatorship.

Watching this video will get you up to speed and help you understand the world we currently see manifesting right now before our very eyes. Creating artificial crisis in order to implement their agenda has always been the technocrat’s modus operandi. Hence, the invention of the climate cultism ideology of today. It was never about protecting the environmental but always all about controlling the human race. The elite’s plan of changing society completely is nearing its final stages.

This is such a serious and important topic discussed below. Please watch it, it’s so important to understand where the elite technocrats are currently taking us. Capitalism is on the chopping block.

The formation of The Trilateral Commission was one of the great facilitators in completely destroying the economic system in America. Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton were great supporters of this satanic organization which ushered in NAFTA. A trade agreement which resulted in basically selling out America and placing the final nails into the coffin of the deindustrialization of our country. People need to understand what is happening and why this is happening. A very important video to watch below. It can be comfortably viewed at 1.5-1.75 speed.

The greatest weapon the elite have at their disposal since the beginning of time has been a thumbed down uninformed and apathetic citizenry. It is the only way they can achieve the permanent tyranny they wish to impose upon all of us.

I often cite this quote below because it relates so much to what we are experiencing every day now.

“Much of the social history of the Western world, over the past three decades, has been a history of replacing what worked with what sounded good.” — Thomas Sowell

"Technocracy Rising" author Patrick Wood 56:52


[“Technocracy Rising" author Patrick Wood

Human Mind Power
5.97K subscribers

2,328 views Feb 18, 2017
"Technocracy Rising" author Patrick Wood about the hidden history of technocracy]


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