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What should I do if most girls in my University have an established friends circle? Is it basically super hard for an introvert guy like me?

In my previous post I shared about this new bubbly girl Nitya in my MBA whom I asked her Instagram but something strange happened. She initially followed me back too after accepting my follow request but suddenly she unfollowed me as I can no longer see her in my followers list and I have no idea why. We only talked in person for 3 days so far and we aren't classmates but I felt sad and disappointed especially after this recent rejection by this another girl Dimple 6 days ago. She is 22 or 23 and I am also 23 and I really wanted to get to know her. She seemed friendly in our in person conversations but idk why she unfollowed me. I also noticed she is a social butterfly with multiple male friends and a big social circle and as an introvert it would be super hard to get to know her. Not only her, but most girls in my University already have an established friends circle with both male and female friends and I don't even know whether they are single or not.

Most of the time I see these girls with their friends making it hard for me to approach her. And even if I see her alone and try approaching her, she soon gets accompanied by her friends. This makes me realize what a void Dimple's rejection has made because she is an introvert too so it made me easier to approach her but idk why she suddenly decided to not talk to me anymore. I also see how short my conversations with most girls are in my University. The conversation barely even lasts for a minute and mostly limited to Hi and How are you and maybe a little bit more. I also run out of topic and all that thanks to my lack of female interactions for years until like 22-23 due to my shyness near girls. What sucks is the conversations are short and also most of them girls don't even notice me until I say Hi to them and thats probably because we barely even talk due to such short conversations. I see other guys in my University confidently having longer continuous conversations with girls and even laying their arms around her shoulder or anything whereas I can't even keep a conversation flowing for over a minute. What should I even do? I am already 23 and in 2nd year of my MBA.
The most important thing is to act confident, even if you don't feel it. But also, as @Quetzalcoatlus says, join clubs and sporting groups and things like that. You'll meet girls there too and have something to talk about :)
Quetzalcoatlus · 46-50, M
Join clubs, sporting groups, study groups, student organizations. I work at a university and there are a miriad of student organizations that are glad to have new members.
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luvelle · 22-25, F
@SophSmiles so judgmental tf
SophSmiles · 22-25, F
@luvelle maybe it was but I’m just saying every post he talks about watching these girls, who they talk to, who they walk with, he’s even mentioned coming out of their accommodation as if he’s followed them home. It comes across as massively creepy and if he is like this in person would be a massive red flags to girls and they will actively avoid him
luvelle · 22-25, F
@SophSmiles ohh, I'm sorry. I just visited his profile and you were right. I thought this was the only post he had talking about girls and stuff.

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