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You know you're dealing with an idiot if they say "cell phones have made life easier".

This objectively false. Cell phones have made life exponentially harder and more difficult. For in fact they have only made it easier for all the bullcrap you never wanted to be bothered with and all the people trying to put more bullcrap you never wanted to o deal with, and for all the bullcrap people you never wanted to deal with to reach you 24/7.

They haven't actually made anything anyone actually ever wanted to do, get done. So ni, they have made life harder, not easier.
SeaGlass · F
No truer post ever posted
SeaGlass · F
@MethDozer tethered!

We're all being monitored 24/7... and we're paying for it with our slave wages 😌
MethDozer · M
@SeaGlass We knew we should have took that left turn in Albuquerque
SeaGlass · F
@MethDozer Yeah we did...
MethDozer · M
@Notladylike I for one am glad I didn't grow up with even the concept of a playdate or schedule existing.
@MethDozer I don’t leave work for “play dates” to be clear. But thanks for the mansplain
MethDozer · M
@Notladylike mansplaning =just explaining
Elessar · 26-30, M
It depends on circumstances. It's not an all good or all bad kind of thing as people want to reduce it.

Any job or task that benefits from instantaneous access to information has been greatly simplified.

Let's normalize setting up parental control for all the kids and the elderly alike, and let's fight the actual cancer (TikTok, Insta, FB, Xhitter et al) and most of the negatives are gone.
HannahSky · F
I wish we didn't have them.
Notsimilarreally · 31-35, F
I agree, id rather they didn't exist
I would say they’ve made some things easier. But then, I once had a pager for work and occasionally had to find a payphone to call back my employer for the location of an assignment.
So by comparison, being able to answer a phone to get that info and go directly there was very convenient.

I don’t spend that much time on my phone, I even SW mostly from my IPad. So I don’t abuse it like some have come to do.
I think they have made life easier.

But i think hackers/ads/criminals/spam/ and general misuse of the internet, (plus business' and governments propensity for an absolute bullshit level of bureaucracy), is what has made life harder.

Plus new social expectations of answering calls/msg/emails in nano seconds 🙄

People have forgotten that answering your phone is an option .... not a commandment.
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MethDozer · M
@pripyatamusementpark I want people to view this objective facy

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