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Helping the average person figure out the big picture, pass these videos onto to the clueless.

The financial game of musical chairs is coming to an end. Will people let them steal all their real assets? Do people realize how sick this is becoming regarding the coming CBDC system?

Four two minute videos for people who you might know who are in the dark just might appreciate watching. People have short attention spans. Quick hit videos.

The Fight for Financial Transaction Freedom Is On

Spiritual Warfare: Media, Mind Control, and Deep State Tactics: How Do We Stay in the Divine Mind?

An Editorial Comment on Private Equity


And another quick hit video below.

Two minutes everybody needs to hear. Elon Musk one of the biggest technocrats out there who is telling everyone straight to our faces they want us to become robots. Why are some many people aiding and abetting in humanity’s demise? Is Musk pro human? I certainly hope so, what woke him up?

Elon Musk Reveals the Evil Plans Former Google CEO and BFF Larry Page Has for Humanity

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