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So what happens to you when you die having been a bad person

I know because I was a bad person in a previous life. And I know what happens to you. You are reborn with your energy drained away. You become weaker less able to hurt others. That is what happens to you when you are a bad person and you are reborn. You are left vulnerable for others to hurt you to cause you harm in the same way that you have done in your past life. So be wise and learn from life to do unto others only that which does not cause harm.

All that has been given to you in life shall be taken away if you use it to harm others. Be wise and use all that you have given to help others.
oldguy73 · 70-79, M
i would say you have one life, when you die you are dead,people just like to say stuff like that. if you had another past life, then you never died, sorry but humans are not immortal
@NativePortlander1970 I'd tone it down from 'ignorant' to "less informed" and back up the idea you expressed with reason and evidence. This can be perfectly done without insult or reliance on magic.
@SW-User Tone it down? If that is you in your profile photo, I have at least 35 years of life experience on you, not to mention one of those experiences happens to be a near death out of body experience two months before my third birthday in 1973 while in the ER having a tracheostomy. During that nd/obe I had a vision of eternity through a blue illumination, I saw eternity. I just wish I could remember what I saw, but I do get a lot of deja vu.
James25 · 61-69, M
Your belief is rooted in magic so I can't agree with it.
@James25 You understood correctly. Earned plausibility trumps automatic plausibility. It raises awareness without refuting the first scenario. Clearly we die but nature is quite capable of instantly recreating what you would call the spirit and I would call defining information.
James25 · 61-69, M
@SW-User I got it. Earned plausibility
@James25 So when someone says we only get one lifetime you can now be sure that's wrong.
I saw a podacast recently that claims that we are all one, (ie god or whatever), and that we are here so god, (or whatever), can know themselves better, and evolve.
The concept being, we are all one. We are all pieces of the one. Given enough lives, we get to experience ALL that this reality has to offer:
We are the dictator as well as the dictated to.
We get to be the abuser as well as the victim.
Poor, rich, beautiful, ugly, athlete, disabled, genius and mentally challenged.... you get the idea.

And the idea is, all of these things have something to teach.
So lets say you are an abuser.
If, in this life you learn to see what you are, and make amends and change... great - you move on .
If you learn but dont really fix your damage, you do it again.
If you indulge your nature, and justify it, then you get to be your opposite - a victim - in your next life.
(Which comes with it's own lessons....which are treated in a similar manner).

So .....we get to be everybody.
We are all connected, in this life, and all our lives.

For the aim of bettering ourselves with each incarnation....to hopefully reach a level of harmony that we can become one again.

There was more - but this was the gist of it.
James25 · 61-69, M
@OogieBoogie I agree. The ultimate realization is that we are all one. We are all definitely different as individual living beings yet at the same time we are one.
James25 · 61-69, M
@OogieBoogie it is a kind of paradoxical and metaphorical understanding of life. In that we are the one we are the infinite many. There is an infinite number of living beings all existing as the one.
James25 · 61-69, M
@OogieBoogie but what does it mean to be infinitely different and yet at the same time one in the same? To me it means if I myself desire happiness in life then I cannot deny another living being happiness in life. It means to me that I as an individual cannot deny that which is definitely different the same thing as myself. Although there are an infinite number of living beings we all have one thing in common. What we all have in common is to exist within some form of happiness.
Shadyglow · F
what kind of people put on a big act to SEEM like they are doing something but they are not doing it. They are instead trying to create an effect.

This can take U out of the drivers seat but makes U an accident victim of your own bad driving.
Dont take that stuff to the grave with you.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
Interesting take. So you believe subsequent lives give you a chance to work on issues you had in former lives?
James25 · 61-69, M
@windinhishair yes life holds you responsible for everything that you do. I'm just thinking out loud trying to figure out how it all works. Why each of us is Born Into the specific life that we live. Is there any Rhyme or Reason to it any purpose?
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@James25 Questions that people have been trying to answer for millennia.
James25 · 61-69, M
@RedBaron and so shall it be as the words that you speak
RedBaron · M
@James25 Exactly. We live once and we die. That’s it.
James25 · 61-69, M
@RedBaron well that's pretty depressing
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