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A couple of calm days

I been feeling quite well physically today and yesterday after having a couple of rough days full of stomach ache and stuff I don't want to think about. I went for a nice walk today and yesterday as well, the weather has been really cool and not annoying.

Yesterday as I was going back home with my sister on the phone like 5 stray dogs decided that I was a risk and chased me for a few seconds, I wasn't scared but I was a bit concerned and I didn't make eye contact with any of them and just kept moving forward. Today I saw the same dog that started it all but from a distance and I took another street 😅I think the humming noise from the electric motors of my wheelchair scares them.

Actually another dog near my home wasn't very happy with my existence and kept barking towards me from a distance but he didn't do anything stupid.

Anyway, today as I was walking a bunch of guys including some men with beards tried to start a conversation with me but I pretended that I wasn't paying attention to them. I just didn't feel like it plus I don't exactly like religious people on general. Here's the situation; One of them just asked how I was and I said I was fine and kept moving then he asked if he can say hello to me as in me stopping for a short conversation but I couldn't be bothered, it's just safer this way anyway.
SandWitch · 26-30, F
You sound like you have the same kind of interferences when going for a walk as I do! Sounds like the same dogs and the same guys wanting to chat!
SandWitch · 26-30, F
Thanks for hearting my post. I feel so fulfilled now!

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