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My friend's ex husband and his new piece were at market today

She used to be on our board at work (no doubt while she was fkin the husband).

He tried to introduce me to her today (I had to talk to him)

He was like, "Oh, you've met ..."

I was like, "Yeah" and I just stared at her and then looked away.

I asked him a question and didn't EVEN SAY THANK YOU I just said okay, and walked away 😤

I figured out the electrical issues myself (he is the manager I will be replacing).

AND I FEEL LIKE A DICK for being a doucche, but also fkyou. How dare you hurt my friend.

You're both disgusting, and as soon as you are gone from market, you will be dead to me.
Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
I think I would have had the same interaction
Harmonium1923 · 51-55, M
Sounds like you behaved perfectly to me.
Selah ·
They don't ever feel bad or shame.
This would have been me.

You did right 😌

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