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Say honestly everyone, will she never talk to me again? Did i really mess up?

As you all know I am a 23 year old guy living in Bangalore in India for almost 16 years but was born in Siliguri in West Bengal in India (so I am a Bengali person) and basically never had a gf before and only been on 1 first date in Sept 2023 and hugged only 2 girls in person so far and still didnt get my first kiss yet. I had been shy throughout school days and then studied engineering in my undergrad in a small college at the outskirts of the city with a really skewed gender ratio so didnt really socialize with girls until about 2022. I completed my undergrad in EC Engineering last year and currently studying MBA in a B School in the city.

I started my MBA last year July and got crush on this girl Anshika(23 now too). She was the first girl to say me Hi on our first day of MBA and even asked me later whether I had lunch or not. She is a North Indian who came to Bangalore for her MBA. As I am an introvert, she was the one who used to initiate conversations to me and everyone in our class came to know I had a crush on her and probably she too knew later. I would just look at her in the class and sometimes she too used to look at me and smile. She even said that I am cute as I smile a lot and that used to make me blush. I even gave her Dairy Milk chocolate twice. I was still not confident enough to ask her out or say her that I liked her and I was crushing on her for 7 months. I also remember hearing the song Your Love Is a Lie by the band Simple Plan and think about her. I know the lyrics and meaning of the song is different but I used to feel as if I am some cool guy and used to imagine the song as a love song and think about Anshika. There were time I used to worry about her hanging around with her male friends especially this guy Vaibhav(24M now) as I was afraid whether she would go for him instead of me but still overall those 7 months were so amazing.

But sadly I messed up. In Feb 2024 I got crush on this another girl Akankshya (21-23 age range) in my B school too who is in a different classroom. She is way above my league tho as she is super pretty and I look like a nerd in my glasses. I was shy to talk to her at first but with the help of friends I finally talked with her and soon my whole class came to know about my new crush including Anshika. Sadly ever since Anshika came to know about my new crush, she stopped talking to me completely. She is ignoring me and never saying me Hi either. Before this she used to smile at me often and try to talk to me. I was gaining more confidence about talking to girls as I used to initiate conversations with Akankshya but she clearly wasn't into me at all. It was completely one sided and she probably doesn't even feel I even exist unless I say her Hi myself.

I did get her number but she never replied to my whatsapp. I also hugged her last month(the 2nd girl I ever hugged) but she gave an awkward smile which shows she isn't into me at all. I even called her on phone but she pretended not to be able to hear me and cut the call. I tried calling her again but she never picked it up. She probably had a boyfriend too as my male friend often told, he saw her with some guy but I ignored whatever he said and was completely infatuated by her. I completely wasted Feb to May running behind her who didn't even care whether I existed or not. Now we are having a summer break from our University and having to do an internship for 2 months and our next semester will start in August and honestly I am missing Anshika.

I feel I made a big mistake going for Akankshya and I lost Anshika. I feel I was also pushing away my friends ever since I got this new crush on Akankshya whereas when I had Anshika as my crush during 1st sem until Feb, I had a much more healthy dynamic with my friends and other classmates. But between Feb to May, I was kinda distancing myself from my classmates and friends always trying to talk to Akankshya even though she never ever cared about me at all. I should have listened to my friend when he said she most definitely has a boyfriend. It sucks that things will never be the same again. Plus our classrooms will change in next semester as we have to take our MBA specialization next semester. She is taking Finance and I am taking Marketing with Analytics so we won't be classmates anymore. It kills me inside that I won't have those amazing moments when she would call me cute or smile at me and I would get butterflies seeing her or thinking about her. Yesterday I heard the song Your Love Is a Lie by Simple Plan again and felt super nostalgic even though it's barely even been a year since I heard it the first time and it's making me miss Anshika even more. Idk whether she would have liked me back or not, but she is a much better person than Akankshya and she would talk to me unlike Akankshya who seemed really shallow. Is there no way so that things can be like before and Anshika starts talking to me again

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