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Does this mean Aish Kumar is better than me as he is able to have a girlfriend and they have been in relationship for 7 years?

There is a guy named Aish Kumar in my class in University where we are both pursuing MBA. He is dating this girl Rishika in our class. I am 23 and both are within 22-24 age range too. Aish follows me on Instagram so i saw his Instagram story wishing Rishika a happy birthday over a month ago calling her the love of his life. I thought they just fall in love in the starting of our MBA which was several months ago but they have a history. 2 days ago, he posted a story on Instagram saying its their 7th year of being together in the relationship and there were pic with them kissing each other. Yeah if they have been together for 7 years which means they were 15-17 when they started dating each other whereas I am 23 who barely had a first date several months ago, hugged only 2 girls in person and still yet to get my first kiss. Both Rishika and Aish are from Bihar state in India but i guess they lived in Delhi at some point and now came to Bangalore for their MBA whereas I was born in Siliguri in West Bengal and living in Bangalore for many years. And Aish Kumar isnt even super handsome. He also wears glasses and has a similar nerdy look like me in them. But the difference is he is slim whereas i am a bit on the chubby side and have a wider face with a little bit of fat cheeks. He is also a lot smarter and more extrovert than me and have more confidence and can make friends easily too whereas even though i improved now in shyness, there is still a bit of shyness in me at times and i am still an introvert in general and most of my school days and undergrad days i didnt socialize with girls due to too much shyness. What hit me was when over 4 months ago, our University took us to a educational trip and Aish and Rishika were sitting front me on the bus and Aish would keep his head on Rishika's shoulder and that made me sad that I am missing out so much. Is he really much better than me?
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Heroisthebest23 · 22-25, M
@LilRedGod how is he a pedo? He is dating someone who is 23 or 24 and he is also within 22-24 age range so both are adults. They were both teenagers when they started dating.
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Heroisthebest23 · 22-25, M
@LilRedGod Wait explain how is he a pedo?

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