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The parable of the unforgiving servant

In Matthew 18:21-35

(I love when a message applies so perfectly to what I’m most currently struggling with, especially when I felt so reluctant to go to church that day. When I feel low, I often don’t want to be around other people, so I almost skipped today. I’m glad I went after all.)

Pastor read the parable, and then said, “We’re to forgive, remembering we were also forgiven. Remember that? 😏 Remember that part?”

Lol I like his sass sprinkled throughout the wisdom.
Yeah. I do forget from time to time. Or in my struggle to forgive my mom lately (after everything over the years), I really did forget that my own debts were forgiven.
And this also helps me with a guide to how to genuinely start forgiving her: every time I bring up the account of her wrongs towards me and my sisters over the years, I can think of it like a debt that’s been paid already. So I don’t need to keep bringing the account back to mind. Even recent wrongs, the “debt” is paid. Even if she’s not Saved right now, the Lord thought of her too when he said it’s finished. And I should call that to mind every time.

I really needed to hear this today. Knowing we’re called to forgive and to not be a slave to anger is one thing, but having a direction as to how is another.

On another note, I’m not going to be online so much. I think I use this site as a crutch too often. “I already socialized.” This doesn’t really count, does it? Posting a few stories and commenting on questions here and there isn’t ever going to become a situation where I can discuss things like this and expect anyone to be able to help me grow. And I don’t think I can add much value to anyone else’s discussions here. I’ve just been subconsciously avoiding getting to know people who could be in my life instead of just passersby. (Even now, I ran off to grab breakfast instead of trying to do that thing after church services when they have coffee and fellowship. I’ve never in my life stuck around for that. Maybe next week, though I do usually run across town to hear the message at a different church)
I’m still scared of people. I’ll work on that more; try to remember that these people are my brothers and sisters in Christ, and that I could try to actually think of them as family instead of a collection of dangerous strangers. 😅 Pray for me to have courage in the face of…kindness? 😂 If you knew me, you’d understand or at least know about my weird inability to know how to be around anyone but enemies. I’m too weird and I never do fit in anywhere.
I never know what to say or do when in a group of people socializing.
I've been taught to ask a lot of questions. It helps, it makes others feel that you are interested in them, which I am, in a way. In fact, I do this to the extent of almost never letting them ask me anything because I hate that. I never know how to answer appropriatly. I might be socially awkward.
@nonsensiclesnail At the park once with my two nephews, 5 and 1-year-old. A little girl ran up and hugged 5. He hugged her back because he’s a sweetheart. 1 saw this and started growling at her. 😬 It was as if he was saying, “Stay away from me…”
I don’t growl at anyone, but it’s as if that’s permanently written all over my face and posture, and the sound of my voice even when I’m talking about nice things.
I do hope you’ve gone at least once by now and had a nice time. It does us good to push ourselves out of our comfort zones. I’m sure they’ll adore you, no matter how hard you’re being on yourself mentally. Assume the best, aim for it, and let it be ^_^

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