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What does it mean if my crush gave an awkward smile when i hugged her?

Today i finally hugged my crush Akankshya in my University where i am studying MBA and in 1st year and she too is in MBA 1st year but different classrooms. She is also within 21-23 age range and I am 23 too and usually we had brief conversations but today was her last exam and tomorrow is my last exam so we won't be able to meet until August as we have to do a 2-3 months Internship within May to July and then in August our next semester classes will start so I said her " here is a goodbye hug" and hugged her. She gave an awkward smile when i hugged her tho. I put my arms all around her while hugging whereas she didnt put her arms all around me but she pat my back once with her right hand and said smiling "ok bye i have to study now as I have an exam in an hour". Then i said her ok bye too. It was a brief few seconds hug but i was super happy as i finally hugged my crush who is one of the prettiest girl in my Uni. But i am also overthinking whether she was comfortable or not as she gave an awkward smile when i hugged her but she didnt complain about it at all. I hope she doesn't think bad about me now as I hugged her in the cafeteria of our University full of students and some of my classmates saw us hugging too. I am afraid whether she will talk to me next time if we meet. I have her number but i am not confident enough to call her or text her. What do you people think?

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