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A VERY IMPORTANT VIDEO BELOW…….exposing the real corruption and the real situation we face…….


Guests, Jack and Margy Flynn, Mike Gill, and M.L. Castor: The Michelle Moore Show (Apr 23, 2024)
Jack and Margy Flynn, Patriots and Constitutionalists, and Mike Gill, Corruption Whistleblower, and M.L. Castor, Host of 'Sovereign Redneck


America is gone, we have lost this country to the most corrupt people ever to be birthed onto this planet and nobody wishes to do anything about.

Most people have no idea what is taking place. Those who think they know what is going on, really don’t. Too many wolves in sheep’s clothing, too much controlled opposition. We have leaders, a MSM and a vast majority of citizens who are funding their own destruction. It’s beyond evil, it’s beyond imagination…..people just don’t care……..PRAY FOR WISDOM, AND MOST IMPORTANTLY PRAY FOR DISCERNMENT……Be careful who you think is a friend and be extremely wary of who you give your money to.

"Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance." -George Bernard Shaw-

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