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Do you think I have any chances with my crush with my looks and nervousness? Give a realistic answer

As you all know I got crush on this girl Akankshya 3 weeks ago in the classes where I go these days. She is within the 21-23 age range and I am also 23 now. We talked a bit. At first i was very shy but now i am slowly gaining some confidence I guess and talked with her on Monday which was 3 days ago but was still sounding a bit nervous while talking with her. We don't meet often as we arent in the same classroom so I didnt even meet her for the past 3 days. I mean i did see her going on the elevator with her friends yesterday but we couldn't talk. But she is very very pretty almost model like and I look really dorky and nerdy in my glasses whereas without glasses I look better but due to high power, I always need to wear them. I don't even know whether she is even single as one of her classmate said she is single whereas her other classmate said she probably has a boyfriend but let's keep this topic aside in this post and just talk about my chance with her. I am afraid that I would have no chance with her as she is super attractive and I am not attractive. Plus idk whether my nervousness while talking with her is a turn off or not. She has been friendly and nice to me in person whenever we talked and she smiled but its been 7 days and she still didn't accept my follow request on Instagram or reply to my first DM yet. I always think about her even before sleeping and smile/blush due to the fact that I talked with her and did handshake with her. Do you think i have a chance with her? Would she reject me?
Me in my glasses
Me without my glasses.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Birdgirl is looking for guys in India. She's on SW right now.

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