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I finally did it for the first time. Do you feel its pathetic to feel so happy about it?

You all know about my new crush Akankshya in the class where I go these days but we are in different classrooms. She is within 21-23 age range and I also turned 23 over a month ago and she is one of the prettiest girl i have ever seen. After being so shy to approach and talk to her but last week Wednesday, I was finally able to talk to her a bit with the help of my friends and one of her classmate. Then after not being able to meet her on Thursday and friday, today i finally saw in her in the institute again. She was walking to her classroom and I looked and smiled at her and said her Hi. She also smiled and said me Hi back but as she was going to class, we didnt really have a conversation. But this was the first ever time I said Hi first to a girl in person. Usually before this, most of the conversations (usually short ones) i had with girls in person were started by them first. The only times i said Hi to girls first were via online like Instagram. Even in my first ever date which was almost 5 months ago, it was that girl who was initiating conversations with me mostly. But with Akankshya, finally i was able to say her Hi first in person and my friends werent even with me. After talking with her a bit that day, I did gain a bit of confidence and I did it today. I know it probably sounds pathetic that it took me till the age of 23 to do something as simple as saying Hi first to a girl in person but Idk why I am feeling so much better about myself today. I am really hoping she doesnt get a boyfriend or something tho. Her classmate did say me she is single after I asked him but idk. She is so pretty and wanna get to know her
Idk if this helps, but i don't talk to boys that often cuz middle school boys are stupid as hell and i can't understand them. I can make school conversations with the smart ones though.

Irrelevant but i'm also questioning liking girls instead of boys.

Heroisthebest23 · 22-25, M
@FlamingPhoenix0 Oh ok but there is a big difference between a middle school student and an almost MBA student. You are probably 13. I am 23 and my crush is also 21-23 range and we are both just recently out of college and soon to be MBA students which is a masters degree. We are both adults whereas you are a kid so our scenario is quite different.
I do know my age, @Heroisthebest23. What I don't know is how to respond to that.

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