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GAH When will I learn?? Always keep copies of everything!

🤬 MF.. data entry people screwed up and lost majorly important sections of my scholarship document. I didn’t keep a digital copy of my forms because all of that is supposed to be kept in my case file. It never occurred to me admin would fnck up so royally.

Now I have to petition for aid that I already was approved for only this time it might get denied because I’m in case manager limbo.

swirlie · 31-35, F
The digital world is fine for junk and irrelevant stuff, but it's not fine for anything that matters. I have metal a filing cabinet that has a 12 month lifespan for it's entire contents. I have another metal filing cabinet that has a 5 year lifespan for it's contents. Every year and every 5 years respectively, if I haven't required the need of the paper copies I keep for almost everything, I shred them from the filing cabinets and start over January 1st each year or once every 5 years.

That also applies to digital photography. I never store photos in my phone or computer, but instead keep the hard photo storage chips in a safe place which contains every photo I've ever taken. I have dozens of plastic photo chips, but I've also destroyed a couple of phones and lost a few laptop computers over the years, along with all the photos that ended up in them for convenience. But I still have the plastic photo chips in storage for all those photos I lost!

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