"When consciousness ends in the skull, how can joy exist?"
(The "Blue Cliff Record", a collection of zen koans)
"Whoever told people that ‘Mind’ means thoughts, opinions, ideas and concepts? Mind means trees, fence posts, tiles and grasses."
(The "Blue Cliff Record", a collection of zen koans)
"Whoever told people that ‘Mind’ means thoughts, opinions, ideas and concepts? Mind means trees, fence posts, tiles and grasses."
Colonelmustardseed · 36-40
Not so much these days. It seems like I can’t retreat back there as much as I used to.

It's hard to take seriously, one who uses images that act like memes, asking such a question. Do you, have you altered your mind? If you did, what gain came from it? Did you ascertain any meaning?
Misanthropic · 26-30, M
@SW-User I admit the drawing was done out of humour but yes I take mental health very seriously overall.. spent years reading about psychology and making my own theories to better understand my own mind.
It has been a journey and the deeper I delve the more altered my mind becomes sometimes for better, sometimes for worse but there are many of paradox in our psychology.. One of those parodoxes is that the more time we spend in our heads the more we are penetrated by life's experiences yet we need to look inside to better face them.
It has been a journey and the deeper I delve the more altered my mind becomes sometimes for better, sometimes for worse but there are many of paradox in our psychology.. One of those parodoxes is that the more time we spend in our heads the more we are penetrated by life's experiences yet we need to look inside to better face them.

@Misanthropic hi, sunday morning here, not my best time of the day or week. I'm compelled to take mental health seriously. I hear what you are saying and it comes across as authentic. So much paradox.
All I'm capable of at present is a cut and paste job, from the mind/heart of Layman Hsiang:-
Shadows arise from forms, echoes come from sounds. If we fiddle with shadows and ignore the forms, we do not recognize that the forms are the roots of the shadows. If we raise our voices to stop echoes, we are not cognizant of the fact that sounds are the roots of the echoes. To try to head for nirvana by getting rid of afflictions is like removing forms to look for shadows. To seek Buddhahood apart from living beings is like seeking echoes by silencing sounds. So we know that illusion and enlightenment are one road. Ignorance and knowledge are not separate. We make names for what has no name. Because we go by the names, judgments of right and wrong arise. We make rationalizations for what has no reason. Because we rely on the rationalizations, argument and discussion arise. Illusion is not real: who is right, who is wrong? The unreal is not actual: what is empty, what exists? Thus I realize that attainment gains nothing, and loss loses nothing.
Its a long journey, but the journey simply has to be "home".
Sorry, just tired at the moment. Hope you have a good day. All the best.
All I'm capable of at present is a cut and paste job, from the mind/heart of Layman Hsiang:-
Shadows arise from forms, echoes come from sounds. If we fiddle with shadows and ignore the forms, we do not recognize that the forms are the roots of the shadows. If we raise our voices to stop echoes, we are not cognizant of the fact that sounds are the roots of the echoes. To try to head for nirvana by getting rid of afflictions is like removing forms to look for shadows. To seek Buddhahood apart from living beings is like seeking echoes by silencing sounds. So we know that illusion and enlightenment are one road. Ignorance and knowledge are not separate. We make names for what has no name. Because we go by the names, judgments of right and wrong arise. We make rationalizations for what has no reason. Because we rely on the rationalizations, argument and discussion arise. Illusion is not real: who is right, who is wrong? The unreal is not actual: what is empty, what exists? Thus I realize that attainment gains nothing, and loss loses nothing.
Its a long journey, but the journey simply has to be "home".
Sorry, just tired at the moment. Hope you have a good day. All the best.
FreestyleArt · 31-35, M
Yes. I can make a Better world in my head instead of this world

Who told you?? 😯
Lol yes, too much.
Lol yes, too much.
MamaButterfly · F
Mellowgirl · 31-35, F
As time is going on I have no reason to live among people. There are some really shitty people around. Some who use sarcasm as their instant response to everything.
Some who deflect my questions in response to theirs to me. Others who just avoid talking to me all together.
It's a safe space, and a healthy place to be when I don't let others words infect it.
All I can say is if it's not safe/healthy seek professional help. Your conscience/inner voice is supposed to be your friend working in harmony with you.
Some who deflect my questions in response to theirs to me. Others who just avoid talking to me all together.
It's a safe space, and a healthy place to be when I don't let others words infect it.
All I can say is if it's not safe/healthy seek professional help. Your conscience/inner voice is supposed to be your friend working in harmony with you.