I am ok I guess, but there are some things that could be better..
SarithBorn · 18-21, M
@PrincessRoarBuddy Such as Roar? 🤔
Aidan · 26-30, F
I need someone to pay my medical bills because my insurance isn’t doing it. 😅
SarithBorn · 18-21, M
Spoiledbrat · F
SarithBorn · 18-21, M
@Spoiledbrat connection to what? 😇
Spoiledbrat · F
People @SarithBorn
SarithBorn · 18-21, M
@Spoiledbrat Even i cant fix people 🤣

I need someone to be nice to my son, I’d be very grateful
SarithBorn · 18-21, M
@SW-User 😇
BeefySenpie · M
All is not what it seems
SarithBorn · 18-21, M
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
SarithBorn · 18-21, M
@TheRascallyOne *Gives golden carrot*
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
I desire a vacation from my brain.
p.s. That guy is incredibly yummy.
p.s. That guy is incredibly yummy.
SarithBorn · 18-21, M
did it work?
Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
@SarithBorn 🤣🤣 No but I really appreciate you for trying!
revenant · F
Would you lend me a fiver ?
SarithBorn · 18-21, M
@revenant 🤔 sure.... 🤣

Those eyes would creep me away
SarithBorn · 18-21, M
@SW-User 🤔

I wamt to sell my soul to the actual devil, if he or she is real
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@SarithBorn you should have read MY terms amd condition before signing
SarithBorn · 18-21, M

@SarithBorn Too mate, buddy. We're in a gay marriage now, including my Hector
popmol · 26-30, M
a good fuck, but unless you have a cool older sister that has no standards i don't think you can help!
that or a better compute thats about equally good!
that or a better compute thats about equally good!
SarithBorn · 18-21, M
@popmol My sisters are taken fella. Better computer could happen *snaps fingers* 🤣
popmol · 26-30, M
@SarithBorn where is it i don't see it?
SarithBorn · 18-21, M
@popmol 🤣
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
Give me good health. Thanks
SarithBorn · 18-21, M
@iamonfire696 🧙♂️
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@SarithBorn Thanks lol